What is New in TreeSize?
Are you missing something in TreeSize or do you have an idea for a new feature? Then become part of the decision-making team and vote for features!
Version 9.4.1
It is now taken into account that typical user profile folders such as Documents or Desktop may be missing for the current user. In the previous version, this could lead to error dialogs or exceptions.
A possible freeze when starting the application has been fixed.
When copying and moving files, it could happen that they were initially displayed with size 0. The files now directly display the correct size values.
Version 9.4
New functions
File search: The selection of search filters by file content has been improved and an additional option "Whole words only" has been added.
File search: A new function for displaying preview images in the results list has been added. The new view can be activated in the "View" tab.
File search: The color highlighting of search terms can now be deactivated under "Options > Personalize > View > File and folder options".
Synchronized cloud paths (OneDrive, Google Drive, etc.) are now displayed in the drive list, in the scan dialog and in the path selection box.
Bug fixes
The license information is now updated more regularly, so that misleading displays in the application regarding expiring maintenance should no longer occur if it has already been updated.
TreeSize can now optionally retain the timestamps for the creation date and last modification when uploading files to SharePoint. Please note that the extended privilege AllSites.FullControl is required for this.
When moving files, errors could occur under certain circumstances that the target file could not be found. The cause of this error has been fixed. The error message itself has also been corrected.
Version 9.3
New functions
TreeSize now supports scanning and analyzing Amazon S3-compatible object storage solutions such as Wasabi, Dell EMC ECS, Digital Ocean Spaces or Minio.
File search: A new search template "Directories with own permissions" has been added. This can be used to find directories for which the inheritance is interrupted because they add their own permissions. In combination with a minimum directory depth, directories can be found in which inheritance is unexpectedly interrupted.
File search: The behavior of the option to skip offline files has been revised. In future, TreeSize will only skip offline files for the content search and the determination of checksums. The option has been renamed accordingly. This will continue to prevent unwanted downloading of offline files. At the same time, offline files are now included in the search result in a normal search that does not require the file to be downloaded.
With the test version, only 500 files could previously be deleted, moved or copied at once in the file search. This limitation has been removed.
Improvements have been made to the user-friendliness of the dialog for starting a new scan.
Under certain circumstances, errors could occur when moving files so that the target file could not be found. The cause of these errors has been fixed. The error message itself has also been corrected.
TreeSize no longer freezes if a folder is excluded from the scan during a running scan.
Multiple addressees can now be specified again when sending mails using automated tasks. In addition, error handling has been improved.
A problem that could lead to an error message when loading a preview in rare cases has been fixed
Version 9.2.1
The portable installation can now be created on external hard disks again.
A possible error when creating a portable installation has been fixed.
A problem where the installation of other programs led to an error due to the loading of an incorrect SQLite component has been fixed.
The option to transfer anonymous usage data can now also be configured via the administrative templates for the group policy editor.
TreeSize no longer requires activation to run in the context of a service.
A possible activation error after upgrading from an older version has been fixed.
Version 9.2
New functions and improvements
The product help is now delivered in all languages that are also supported in the user interface.
File search: The search terms are now highlighted in color in the results list.
File search: Brackets can now also be used in the "Simple search" in order to be able to formulate search queries more precisely.
The path length from which a path in a scan is recognized as a long path can now be configured in the options. Previously, the default setting was 260 characters.
File search: A new template for searching for files with characters in the name that are not permitted on Sharepoint has been added. This is helpful when preparing a SharePoint migration.
When comparing a scan with a previously saved scan (in SQLite format), it is now also shown which files have been deleted in the meantime.
A new option in the file menu now makes it possible to select a file with paths to be scanned from within the application. A scan is started for each line of the file.
The diagrams have been revised for a more appealing and modern presentation.
The "Hide empty folders" option now also takes into account temporarily applied filters, e.g. by file type or user.
TreeSize now also supports the Z-Shell (zsh) and an installation of the GNU CoreUtils with prefix when scanning via SSH. This can significantly simplify the analysis of MacOS systems, for example.
When opening a file from SharePoint, for example by double-clicking, the containing folder is no longer opened in the browser, but the file directly.
Error corrections
When scanning user profiles in the file system, an endless loop could occur under certain circumstances. This bug has been fixed.
An export of the list of top files was not complete under certain circumstances. This bug has been fixed.
It is now also possible to start scans via drag & drop into the empty area of the directory tree, even if drag & drop file operations are disabled in the options (e.g. in simple application mode).
An unexpected entry was created in the start menu when the application was started. This entry is no longer created.
A problem with resolving link targets for nested links on DFS systems has been fixed.
The error handling when searching for duplicates within ZIP files has been improved.
The function "Pass to program", which is available as a file operation, was executed twice if the program to be called was a PowerShell script. This error has been fixed.
The error handling when sending emails has been improved. A message dialog with information about incomplete settings is now displayed.
If files were moved via the file operations dialog with the option to create shortcuts at the original location, an incorrect file name for deleting the shortcuts was stored in some cases if the "Undo script" was activated. This problem has been fixed.
In rare cases, the installation could freeze when registering the context menu entries for TreeSize. If the registration fails, the installation will now be continued and completed anyway.
An error in the duplicate search on SharePoint has been fixed, which could prevent duplicates from being deleted as expected.
File search: A possible error when searching for file contents of PDF files has been fixed.
The title bar of the application interface now adapts correctly to the accent colors set in Windows.
A bug where the list of drives at the bottom left could contain invalid entries has been fixed.
The window frame now also adapts to the color set in Windows in dark application mode.
TreeSize now collects basic, anonymous usage data. This data is used to continuously improve the user experience and develop more targeted features. You can deactivate the collection of this data at any time in the options dialog.
Help in the outdated Windows CHM format is no longer supported and delivered. Instead, TreeSize now installs and uses help in the more modern HTML format. The help is also still available as a PDF.
The installation via the publicly accessible installer can now also be activated offline, i.e. without Internet access. The additional version previously available in our customer area (TreeSize-x64-Full.exe) is therefore no longer required.
Support for the outdated Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1 operating systems has been discontinued.
Version 9.1.5
Error corrections
An error when creating the portable installation has been corrected. All files required for execution are now copied to the portable data carrier again.
An error when writing and loading SQLite index files for scans of all site collections of a SharePoint tenant has been fixed.
If an export of a SharePoint scan was heavily throttled, it could happen that the export was incomplete. This bug has been fixed so that all files should now be included in the export, regardless of throttling.
When trying to scan an Outlook mailbox with a 32-bit version of Outlook, an unhandled error occurred. Instead, a message is now displayed stating that only the 64-bit version of Microsoft Outlook is supported.
File Search: Search filters for the "Media > Length" column now interpret the value entered by the user in seconds. Previously, the unit 100ns was used, as it is stored internally by the file system.
Version 9.1.4
Error corrections
The drive list now fills the items asynchronously. This handles possible application freezes that might have occurred with slow or unreachable network resources.
A few dependencies on third-party components with known but low-rated vulnerabilities have been updated.
The help files in CHM format continue to reference an older version of jQuery, as the CHM-format does not support a newer version. If necessary, you can simply delete the CHM files. TreeSize will then automatically open the online help instead.
The Redemption64.dll library currently still refers to an older version of ZLib. We are in contact with the provider of this component to update this dependency as well. The library is only required for scanning Outlook mailboxes. -
When editing an existing automatic report, an additional parameter (/EXPORTEDELEMENTS) was always incorrectly listed under "Command line > Add these parameters" and added to the parameters. This problem has been fixed.
File search: A possible program error when executing a multiple selection of filter elements using the "Shift" key has been fixed.
An error when scanning via SSH with active CShell has been fixed.
An error when scanning folders with quotation marks in the name via SSH has been fixed.
Some columns were missing in the dialog for selecting additional columns for the details list. These have now been added.
Some incorrect translations have been corrected.
Version 9.1.3
An error when renaming files with very long network paths via the Bulk Renamer dialog has been corrected.
A problem, where incorrect timestamps for the creation date were exported in snapshots in SQLite format, has been fixed.
Fixed an issue where SharePoint or Outlook scans exported to SQLite format could not be re-imported.
When comparing a scan with a saved scan (in SQLite format), the number of changed files at file level (-1, 0, or +1) is displayed correctly again.
[File Search] The dialog for selecting additional filter types now displays the same entries in the same sorting and grouping as the dialog for additional columns for the results list.
[File Search] A possible problem when sorting the duplicate search has been fixed
When removing inaccessible network resources from the drive overview, the application could freeze. This error has been fixed.
An error when using the "Find deepest nesting" function has been fixed.
The error messages when attempting to scan an Azure Blob Storage with incorrect data have been clarified.
Version 9.1.2
- An error when starting the TreeSize File Search in Chinese (Traditional) language has been fixed.
- An error in the formatting of hyperlinks that led to an error message during Excel export has been fixed.
- The integration in the context menu of Windows 11 has been improved. TreeSize now ensures at starup that the context menu entries are available as configured.
- An error when renaming files with very long paths via mass renaming has been corrected.
- An error in the calculation of paths in Outlook scans has been fixed.
- The Details list now retains the sort order again during a scan.
- Creating snapshots (shadow copies) on ReFS disks now works as expected.
- File search: The function for sorting by check state works as expected again.
- A possible error when updating a SharePoint scan has been fixed.
- When opening the file search from the context menu of a ZIP file, the application could freeze. This error has been fixed.
- An unhandled error has been fixed that could occur during calculation of MD5 hashes for partially unreadable ZIP files.
- Other minor corrections and improvements have been made.
Version 9.1.1
- During the scan, regular flickering of the surface could occur on monitors with scaling above 150%. This problem has been fixed.
- In the new scan dialog, double-clicking on a drive or folder now starts the scan immediately, instead of opening Windows File Explorer at the corresponding location.
- An error when starting the TreeSize File Search in French has been fixed.
- A possible error when opening the Options-dialog multiple times has been fixed.
- An error when saving a scan in an .XML.ZIP file via the command line has been fixed.
- An error message that could occur when executing certain commands from the Explorer context menu has been fixed.
- Other minor corrections and improvements have been made.
Version 9.1
This update contains 3 Community Features from our Feature Voting Platform: "Total items" & "Number of subelements" as new columns, Duplicate Search in Windows context menu and faster exports.
New Features
- In the details list and search results, it is now easier to select the relevant columns from all available options. The display is grouped by type.
- When selecting a scan destination, you can now more accurately select your desired destination and configure access credentials.
- File Search: Simple Search now allows you to use parentheses in your search term to refine your search. For example, entering (readme, license) *.txt will find all text files with "readme" or "license" in the name.
- File Search: In Simple Search, spaces now act as AND links between search terms, not as part of the term. The search term "New Folder" now finds folders named "New Folder" as well as "Folder New" or "New Test Folder". Use quotation marks for exact matches. A comma now works as an OR operator; it is sufficient if one of the terms occurs in the name.
- You can now start mass renaming directly from the Explorer context menu for selected files in Windows 11.
- Via the jumplist entries in the Windows taskbar (the jumplist appears after right-clicking an application icon), various areas of TreeSize can now be opened directly, e.g. the most recently performed searches or scans.
- File Search: File operations can now be performed directly on files inside zip files.
- The details list now supports two additional columns, which can be activated via "More Columns" in the right-click menu of the header: 1. "Total Items": shows the sum of subfolders and files in total and recursively, 2. "Number of Subelements": shows the number of files and subfolders a folder contains directly. (Your request in feature voting)
- TreeSize can now also use the user currently logged in to Windows to log in to SharePoint (integrated Windows authentication).
- File search: The user interface for creating and editing search filters has been further improved. For combined filters, it is now even clearer which filters belong together and how they are linked. Individual filters can now also be adjusted or deleted directly via an overlay menu.
- File search: The "Empty folders" filter template has been improved.
- The TreeSize Duplicate Search is now available in the Windows File Explorer context menu. (Your request in feature voting)
- Information required for an export is now increasingly determined asynchronously to speed up the export. (Your request in feature voting)
- General memory usage reduced: TreeSize now discards unnecessary scan information early during automated exports, significantly lowering memory consumption for exports. Using /PrefetchFiles False, asynchronous preloading can be disabled, further reducing memory requirements but increasing export duration.
- TreeSize now also supports large folders in SharePoint libraries that contain more than 5,000 items.
- Azure Blob Storages can now be accessed directly via the URL displayed in the web browser.
- File search: The error messages for failed deduplications have been improved.
- File search: Search paths that are not checked are now retained when switching between searches and are no longer removed for the current session.
- File operations: When using the log or undo script function, the information is now automatically written to an alternative file if access to the specified file is not possible.
- It is now possible to read more than 5,000 files in a directory on an Azure Blob Storage.
- When displaying large folders in the details list, the application could eventually freeze for some seconds. TreeSize now remains responsive again in these situations.
- The "Last saved by" column now returns correct values for files on SharePoint.
- A possible error when comparing a scan with a scan previously saved to a file has been fixed.
- Empty directories are now also copied in the "Copy/Move" operation.
- If elements cause problems during the copy/move operation in the file search, this is now logged correctly. A misbehavior could occur in previous versions when copying files from a mobile phone.
- The option to calculate date values for folders based solely on the files they contain now works again as expected.
- The context menu options are no longer written to the local registry when running the portable version of TreeSize Professional.
- The scan history may have been saved in the profile of the current user (AppData) when using the portable version of TreeSize Professional. In this situation, the history is now always stored together with the other options in the folder of the portable installation.
- When deleting a symbolic link to a folder, the symbolic link is now deleted and no longer the linked folder and its contents.
- File search: The command line parameter /SCAN is now also evaluated correctly in combination with /FILTER regardless of the order of the parameters.
- When comparing a scan with a previously saved scan, folders that had been deleted in the meantime were no longer displayed as such. This error has been fixed.
Version 9.0.3
- Under certain circumstances, an unhandled error could occur when accessing the Tools tab or opening the About dialog. This error has been fixed.
- In addition, in the demo version, this error could cause the application to assume the Personal edition, even though the Professional edition was selected during installation. This error has been fixed as well.
- The "Last saved by" column now provides correct values again for files on SharePoint.
- Other minor corrections and improvements have been made.
Version 9.0.2
- The export from TreeSize is now much faster if it contains the individual files as well as the folders.
- TreeSize now also supports the upload of large files (>250MB) to SharePoint.
- An unhandled error when scanning Outlook mailboxes has been fixed.
- When scanning file systems with symbolic links and mount points, it could happen that a link was incorrectly not followed. This error has been fixed. Unfortunately, this can cause an endless loop again under certain circumstances when scanning user profiles in the file system. If this happens to you, you can exclude the affected paths from the scan using an exclusion filter in the options.
- A possible unhandled error when scrolling within lists in dark view has been fixed.
- TreeSize now supports folders in SharePoint libraries that have a '+' in their name.
- The File search results now returns correct values for the 'Path' and 'Folder Path' columns when searching 'This PC'.
- An error could occur when exporting a scan to an index file (.sqlite) with the option to group scans enabled. This error has been fixed.
- Security update: Freely configurable content for HTML export is now masked to prevent the introduction of third-party data (cross-site scripting).
- When exporting the Details list with many elements, the application could freeze temporarily. This problem has been fixed.
- Under certain circumstances, the installation could hang after accepting the license terms. This error has been fixed.
- TreeSize can now create new folders with any special characters in the name in SharePoint libraries.
- Other minor fixes and improvements have been made.
Version 9.0.1
- Fixed an issue when working with very long paths on SharePoint Online.
- Windows Explorer columns with numeric contents or date values are now sorted according to these values rather than lexicographically.
- A possible error when creating a portable installation has been fixed. (Professional Edition only)
- An error when importing index files with UNC paths has been fixed.
- In the file search it is now possible again to add a user-defined filter using the "More filter types" option.
- An error when importing filters from a text file has been fixed.
- When using the "Last saved" column in the TreeSize file search, it could lead to an unhandled error. This error has been fixed.
- An error when trying to show a file preview for a duplicate group has been fixed.
Version 9.0
This update contains 3 Community Features from our Feature Voting Platform: Scanning Outlook mailboxes, scanning Azure Blob Storage and more!
Main Module / General
- TreeSize now supports the scanning and searching of mailboxes that are included in a locally installed Outlook. This includes IMAP as well as Exchange and Exchange-Online mailboxes. (Your request in feature voting)
- SQLite was added as a new export format for scans. As an alternative and successor of the XML export, this format offers the possibility to export, import and compare scans on a single file level. Thus, a comparison of different scans down to file level is now possible.
- TreeSize supports Scanning and browsing of Azure Blob Storage. (Your request in feature voting)
- The demo version of TreeSize can now be activated by entering a license key and then becomes a full version. This requires an internet connection. The version available in our customers area can still be installed without an internet connection.
- The component for sending emails has been replaced. With the help of the new component, OAuth2.0 authentication is now supported.
- The application mode (Simple, Normal, Expert) can now be configured via the administrative templates as well. That way large organizations can preconfigure a mode for the users when rolling out TreeSize.
- In the directory tree the Enter key opens not only files but also folders in the configured file manager, usually in Windows Explorer.
- The user interface is now also available in Turkish and Slovak.
File Search
- By means of a new comparison method for the duplicate search, files with "similar names" or identical name stem can now also be found. This comparison method recognizes file names as similar whose naming indicates multiple versions, such as: "Presentation Department V1.ppt", "Presentation Department V2.ppt"
- The context menu for copying to the clipboard has been extended by additional options: the containing folder path and the file name can now also be copied. (Your request in feature voting)
- The search performance for certain search filter combinations has been significantly improved. For example, a search that uses a long list of "owners" as filter now takes only a fraction of the original time.
- The "Permissions" filter now also supports searching for files without "effective access rights". This means that a user has no access permission for the specified operation. This can be the case either because there is an explicit entry "Deny access" or because there is no matching "Allow permission" entry.
- The user interface has been revised. The navigation elements on the left side now make it even clearer which of the stored search definitions are currently active.
- The TreeSize file search now stores the search paths per search instead of globally for all searches. This increases flexibility by allowing you to store different combinations of search parameters and search paths. Based on feedback from our users, we believe this change will be useful for most users. If this is not the case for you, we would be very happy to hear about your use case.
- The dropdown for selecting search paths now allows you to pin individual paths explicitly. This way, frequently used paths will stay there, even if they are not selected as search paths.
- An error when deleting files in the “Top Files” list during a running scan has been fixed.
- When scanning user profiles in the file system, an infinite loop could occur under certain circumstances. This error has been fixed.
- A bug that prevented renaming rules of the new case-sensitive type from being edited has been fixed.
- A bug that could cause files, that were previously renamed, to be renamed again under certain conditions has been fixed.
- An error when creating new folders with special characters on SharePoint has been fixed.
- An error when uploading files with the special characters % or # in their names to SharePoint has been fixed.
- A problem in the display of compared scans was fixed. Deleted folders are now displayed as such again.
- An error in editing scheduled tasks configured for multiple scan paths has been fixed.
- Multiple addresses separated by a semicolon can now be specified in the input field for e-mail recipients again.
- The new function for adjusting the case in the mass renaming dialog is now correctly applied to the selected part of the file name.
- An error when comparing two saved scans of all SharePoint SiteCollections has been fixed.
- Several other minor fixes and improvements have been made.
Version 8.6.1
- The preview on the right side of the details list could no longer be switched on correctly in some cases. This error has been fixed.
- An error during the installation of the software certificate has been fixed. This could lead to a certificate error message in rare cases.
- An error when comparing a scan that is still running with a saved scan was fixed.
- Numerous other minor fixes and improvements have been made.
Version 8.6
Main Module / General
- You can now select scan targets other than the Windows file system (e.g. SharePoint, Amazon S3, SSH, etc.) for comparison under "Scan > Compare with Path". The (size) differences are then displayed. This can be handy, for example, after migrating a directory system to check it for changes.
- When updating a folder or scan that has been compared with another folder or scan, the comparison folder is now also updated.
- You can now find TreeSize on top level in the new context menu of Windows 11.
- The log file that can be activated in the file operations dialog has been completely revised. If CSV is selected as logging format, the information is now logged in well-structured in separate columns.
- The new command line parameter /ShowAuthGui can now be used to force login dialogs to be displayed, even if TreeSize itself was started without a user interface.
- When exporting the pie chart of file types, an empty chart could be exported under certain circumstances. This error has been fixed.
Mass Renaming
- The mass renaming dialog has been extended by a function to convert file and directory names to upper and lower case.
- An option has been added to the mass renaming dialog to evaluate position values from the right. For example, it is now possible to delete the last X characters from a file name.
- The mass renaming dialog now supports regular expressions when deleting specific text from file names.
- The file name preview window in the mass renaming dialog has been extended by several functions that can be used to export the current overview to the clipboard or to a file.
File Search
- The current sort order of a result list is now saved and restored when the application is restarted. Under "View" there are additional options to customize the sorting, including an option to remove the currently set sorting again.
- The selection for usernames in the new "Permissions" filter now includes user groups.
- Refreshing the user interface after deduplication could cause freezing. This problem has been fixed.
Version 8.5.2
- File search: The "Remove permanently from search results" option now generates correct filter settings again.
- The "Scan > Compare with Snapshot" function now works again as usual for network drives, if they provide shadow copies via the SMB protocol.
- The options for applying NTFS compression now gives immediate feedback to the user by displaying a progress dialog.
- The options for creating context menu entries are no longer offered to the user in restricted mode. This can be enabled with the /RESTRICTED command line parameter, see the help for more information.
- Numerous other minor fixes and improvements have been made.
Version 8.5.1
- During the scan, monitors with scaling above 150% could experience regular flickering of the interface during a scan. This error has been fixed.
- The width of the path selection box is now correctly persisted and restored again when the application is restarted.
- The "File extension" column could display incorrect values for folders in an exported file. The column is now exported correctly empty again.
Version 8.5
TreeSize Main Application / General
- The feature to change the file owner, which was already included in the File Search, is now also available in the Details list of the TreeSize main application.
- Portable Installation: If you select a target via "Tools > Create Portable Installation" on which you have already installed TreeSize portable before, the user settings are no longer overwritten there. (Professional edition only)
- In the columns showing permissions, the users and groups are now displayed in alphabetical order.
- The scan overview directly below the ribbon bar is now also hidden in simple mode for a more focused display. This overview bar can still be shown and hidden via on the ribbon bar "View".
- The Details list now indicates possible access errors when displaying folders, instead of simply showing such folders as empty.
- When copying or moving files with the options "Preserve directory structure, starting at level X" and "Apply timestamps for each item" enabled, the timestamps (last modified date) of the source folders are now also applied to newly created folders.
- By pressing Shift during a delete operation, selected objects can be deleted permanently, just like in Windows Explorer.
- An error that occurred when scanning a disk mounted in a folder has been fixed.
- The command line option “/ShowCheckForUpdate False” now hides the update check buttons again as expected.
File Search
- A new filter is now available to search for permissions in file systems. For example, all files or folders to which a user or group has read or write access to, can be listed. Your wish in our feature voting platform!
- Two new search templates have been added to illustrate the new search in permissions feature.
- The performance of deduplication has been significantly improved.
- A new feature has been added to lock specific paths and files. Locked files cannot be marked for a delete operation. This can be used to prevent certain files from being accidentally deleted. Your wish in our feature voting platform!
- Similar to the main application of TreeSize, the File Search now also supports three different program modes: "Expert", "Normal" and "Simple".
- The function for importing file paths has been improved and now works much faster if the checkbox to import only valid paths is checked.
- The progress bar in the lower right corner of the application now shows the progress of the file search, allowing the user to estimate how long a search will take. Statistics from past searches are used for this purpose.
- The component for creating search filters has been extended in the right-click menu by the possibility to invert / negate existing filters. This is a convenient way to change a filter for including certain elements into a filter for excluding them from the result set.
- A new column "Average file size" can now be displayed in the duplicate search. Your wish in our feature voting platform!
- The length of the file name can now be used for a search. It can be selected in the search filter selection under "More search filters". The filter only looks at the name and not the path of a file. Your wish in our feature voting platform!
- When running a scheduled TreeSize task, exports or file operations were not executed in certain situations. This error has been fixed.
- When searching for duplicate files or unique files, an unhandled error could occur under certain circumstances. This problem has been fixed.
- An error that caused filters of the "Name of a parent folder" type not to return all the desired results has now been fixed.
Version 8.4
This update contains 5 Community Features from our Feature Voting Platform: Multi Thread Scans, Mark all except selected, Import and Export of search filters and many more.
New features
- A wizard for new users has been added, which guides you step by step through TreeSize.
- TreeSize now has 3 program modes: "Expert", "Normal" and "Simple". New is especially the “Simple Mode", which aims at casual users with basic knowledge. TreeSize hides functions and settings that are primarily intended for system administrators, in order to provide a cleaner user interface. The "Expert" mode, on the other hand, shows less frequently used settings for power users in the options dialog.
- Copying and pasting folders via the clipboard is now also supported between local scans and remote storage locations such as SharePoint, Amazon S3 or SSH.
File Search
- Using a single search has been made easier. A search can now be started and stopped independently of the rest. When starting a search (for example "Duplicate Search"), the results of the other searches (for example "Simple Search") are no longer discarded, but only those of the started search.
- In the file operations dialogue, the option 'Replace only older existing files' is now also available when moving files to Amazon S3, SharePoint or Linux/Unix servers.
- The search syntax of the 'Simple Search' now offers the 'path:' property, which can be used to restrict the search to specific folder paths. More detailed information and examples can be found in the program help.
- The "Highest search results only" function of the advanced search has been improved. Filtering the results now runs much faster and no longer leads to a short-term blocking of the user interface.
- The function "Select > Duplicates if a copy exists in folder" has been extended so that any folder can now be selected.
- For the duplicate search, a new option "Mark > All except selected" has been added. With this feature, numerous files can be marked for deletion in one step, while the selected file remains.
- Search filters can now be imported or exported from a file using the right-click menu. In addition, a simple list of file names or paths can now be pasted from the clipboard.
- The filter "file extension" has been added to the list of available search filters.
- The search for file content can now also search for terms with special characters in UTF-8 encoded files *without* the so-called "Byte Order Mark".
- When deduplicating, duplicate groups were only included in the operation if all included files were check-marked. This has been fixed so that individual duplicates can now be check-marked for deduplication again.
- The command line option /READONLYMODE "True" is now also correctly evaluated in the file search.
- The duplicate search can now also read and process all files correctly in combination with the option "Search within ZIP files".
- The dropdown at the top left of the main window with the last examined paths now enlarges if it contains very long paths, e.g. URLs.
- In the options, up to 64 threads can now be set for a scan in "Expert" mode. Please use this option with care, because many threads working in parallel only make a scan faster if not other factors represent a bottleneck for a scan, otherwise a scan with many threads may become even slower.
- In the dialogue for automated tasks, the value for "Next execution" is now displayed.
- The optional column "Status" now correctly displays the OneDrive file status as text representation. This column can be activated via the "More columns" dialog in the right-click menu of the column header and contains data only for OneDrive folders for which the option "Files on demand" is activated.
- The free space of folders on which Folder Quotas are defined now takes them into account, as it was in V7. In V8, until now, the free space of the entire drive was displayed. You see this value in the status bar, in the optional column "Free space" of the details list, as well as in the tooltip of the directory tree.
- When renaming files, only the file name is now selected by default, but no longer the file extension, similar to Windows Explorer.
- If a non-initialized network drive is scanned (labeled by a red X), TreeSize now tries to initialize it.
- The function to expand to a certain level now folds deeper levels correctly again.
- A problem with the display of size changes for individual files has been fixed.
- An error in the export was fixed: If the option to include files was activated, some files were missing.
- Numerous other minor corrections and improvements have been made.
Version 8.3.2
- The display of date values in the "Last modified", "Last accessed", "Created on" columns and on the X-axis of the "History" chart was incorrect with certain date settings. This error has been fixed.
- When searching for a user's files from within the user statistics, an incorrect search configuration was generated. This has now been corrected.
- File search: An error when loading certain search filters created with previous TreeSize versions has been fixed.
- File search: The "Include files / folders" selection of the "Simple search" is now correctly saved and restored when the application is restarted.
Version 8.3.1
- The initial size of the charts has been corrected.
- A possible error when launching the Bulk Renamer via the new shortcut in the Start menu has been fixed.
- An error in the displayed date values on the x-axis of the history chart has been fixed.
- File Search: The search for duplicate folders has been improved. For directory structures containing "offline" files, correct results are now displayed in all cases.
- File Search: an error when exporting duplicate search results has been fixed.
Version 8.3
This update contains 7 Community Features from our Feature Voting Platform:Allow to pause a scan, numeric file search, find unique files and many more.
File Search
- The duplicate search now also supports a mode to find unique files, i.e. files that have exactly no duplicates. For example, for migrations or backups, you can ensure that two folders are exact copies of each other, even if they are on technically different systems. To do this, simply select "Unique files" as search mode instead of "Duplicate files" or "Duplicate folders".
- The search for duplicate folders has been optimized. Results are now found and displayed even faster.
- Special search filters, such as "Number of pages" for Office files or the width and height of images, can now perform numerical comparisons. Likewise, time intervals can be used to search for date-based filters, such as "Last saved". You can access these by clicking the "More" item at the end of the search criteria drop-down list.
- It is now possible to create new search templates and save them permanently, or to customize existing search templates.
- The language syntax of the "Simple Search" now offers the property "size:", which can be used to restrict the search to certain file sizes. More detailed information and examples can be found in the program help.
- The "accessed:", "created:" and "modified:" properties can now be used in the "Simple Search" to restrict the search to specific time intervals using the language syntax. More detailed information and examples can be found in the program help.
- Result lists can now also be sorted by their checked state, so that all checked files are arranged together at the top of the list.
- When exporting duplicate search result lists to a CSV file, an additional column is now added to make the group membership of the files clear.
- Search filters can now be easily reordered using drag and drop.
- The area for creating and editing search filters can now be expanded and collapsed.
Main module
- The icons in the user interface have been redesigned for a more modern Windows 11 style look.
- The ability to add scan filters in the options has been renewed. The new dialog is more user-friendly and offers additional functions for combining filters. More metadata is now available for filtering.
- A scan in progress can now also be paused and resumed. This was the feature request with the most votes on our feature voting platform.
- The scan speed has been increased, especially when many threads are used for scanning.
- SharePoint scans now supports multi-factor authentication using a certificate file.
- The TreeSize bulk renamer can now be started directly from a shortcut in the Windows Start menu.
- Bulk Rename of files and folders now also supports exporting and importing rules to a file.
- Using the new command line parameter "/CSV" you can now explicitly distinguish between text and CSV format, regardless of the selected file extension. (Professional edition only)
- The costs incurred for the used disk space can now also be displayed in a separate column in the statistics for file types, users and file age, as well as for the top files.
- Archive files in ZIP, VHD, VHDX or ISO format can now be dragged into the background of the directory tree just like folders in order to analyze them with TreeSize.
- TreeSize is now also available in Norwegian and Polish.
- The "Top 100 Files" have been renamed to "Top Files" and can now be found under the new name in the user interface and help.
- When starting the file search from the main module for a group of scans, all scan targets of the group are now correctly created in the TreeSize file search again.
- The FTP protocol is no longer supported, as already announced in the V8.2 release. Please use the SSH protocol.
- When applying NTFS compression to a folder, not all subfolders and files were compressed. This problem has been fixed.
- Virtual disks can now be accessed by multiple TreeSize instances in parallel.
- File operations dialog: Fixed an error when creating the undo script, previously created symlinks/hardlinks were not properly deleted.
- When sending reports via email, a possible error in communication with MS Outlook was fixed.
Version 8.2.2
- File Search: The status bar of the duplicate search now shows the correct number of marked files again if the option "Leave one file per group unmarked" is activated.
- File Search: The option "Skip offline files" is now also evaluated correctly by the duplicate folder search.
- File Search: An error when searching in SSH targets has been fixed.
- In rare cases, an error could occur when starting TreeSize to scan the paths scanned in the last run. This error has been fixed.
- A rare error when scanning drive images was fixed.
- An error in calculating the values for the "Type" column in the Details list when using UNC paths was fixed.
- Other minor fixes and improvements were made
Version 8.2.1
- A problem with scanning certain Unix systems has been fixed.
- When writing the history data, an error could occur due to missing write permissions to the location. This problem has been fixed, the user now gets an informative error message.
- A possible error during XML export has been fixed. The created .XML.ZIP files are now correctly overwritten instead of being extended with the new export.
- An error when starting the search for files for a certain date interval has been fixed.
- File search: a possible program crash when exporting duplicates was fixed
- File search: when deleting or moving files, in some cases an error was displayed despite successful file operation. This problem has been fixed.
- File search: A problem that could occur when searching for duplicate directories if they contained empty files has been fixed.
- Other minor corrections and improvements have been made.
Version 8.2
This update contains 3 Community Features from our Feature Voting Platform: Search for duplicate directories, search ZIP files and drive image scan.
- File Search: The duplicate search now additionally allows finding duplicate directories. This is a Community Feature - learn more.
- File Search: A new option "Search ZIP files" allows searching for files that are part of a ZIP archive. This is a Community Feature - learn more.
- TreeSize now supports scanning drive images in VHDX, VHD and ISO format. To enter the path, you can use the corresponding image file just like a folder. This is a Community Feature - learn more.
- A new column "Cost" hast been introduced for the "Details" list and all available export types. It can be used to easily calculate costs for occupied server space and e.g. break them down to department level. You can configure the used value and unit to calculate the cost in the TreeSize options.
- Moving or copying files to a ZIP archive is now also supported for remote locations such as SharePoint, Amazon S3 or SSH as destination.
- Intermediate results of subfolders are now immediately included in the displayed results. Previously they were added after the complete subtree has been scanned.
- The Top-100 list now shows intermediate results while the scan is running. The final results are of course available at the end of a scan, when TreeSize has seen all files.
- The scan history is no longer stored in an XML file, but in a SQLite database file. This reduced both the loading time of the history in the user interface and its size on disk.
- The drive overview now optionally displays a column for the occupied disk space. Furthermore, the drive name can optionally be displayed in addition to the drive letter.
- Automated tasks can now also be created with the option "Start with highest privileges" to start them "As administrator".
- When navigating to the parent folder, the previously active folder is now selected in the Details list, as known from the Windows File Explorer.
- Searching for files of a file age has been simplified and can now be started directly from the file age statistics.
- File Search: Result lists sent by email are now sent by default as attachments and not as content of the mail. This means that even large result lists can be sent by email without any problems. This setting can be adjusted in the options dialog.
- File search: The context and ribbon menu for selecting specific files has been revised. The clarity of the menu has been improved and new options provide additional functions for marking specific results in the list.
- File search: The menu bar has been restructured. The clarity of the various functions and options has been significantly improved.
- File search: A new function "Mark duplicates of files in folder" has been added. With this function, it is possible to mark only those duplicates that also exist in a certain directory.
- File search: The user interface for editing search filters has been further improved. When creating and editing search filters, the size of the input fields can now be adjusted with the mouse.
- File search: A new option has been added that allows folding out directories in the search results.
- File search: Performance improvement: Exclusion filters for a specific "Absolute path" now prevent these directories from being searched. Previously, they were still searched and merely excluded from the search results.
- The "Pass items to executable as parameters" function in the file operations dialog no longer passes the items sequentially but in parallel to the executable program to improve the processing speed.
- Destination paths specified in the file operations dialog are now converted to UNC notation if they refer to a mapped network drive. This affects all actions performed using the file operations dialog.
- When copying or moving files with the "Preserve directory structure, starting at level X" and "Apply timestamps for each item" options enabled, the timestamps (last modification date) of the source folders are now also applied to newly created folders.
- When copying or moving files with the options "Preserve directory structure, from level X" and "Apply permissions for each item" enabled, the access permissions of the source folders are now also applied to newly created folders.
- TreeSize now supports paths to SharePoint pages as they can be copied directly from the browser URL.
- For certain files on SharePoint Online, TreeSize previously displayed the date they were saved on the SharePoint. TreeSize now uses the same values here as can be viewed online in the "Modified" column.
- The function "Print right pane" now also includes a visible diagram, if one is enabled. The list alone can still be printed via the context menu of the list.
- For the function to change the owner of multiple files, there is now a button in the ribbon bar in addition to the context menu entry.
- File search: When executing the /DEDUPLICATE command line parameter, the full list of duplicates is now deduplicated again as expected.
- SSH scans now support the EdDSA host key algorithm Ed25519.
- Bugfix: A bug with calculating MD5 and SHA256 values via SSH was fixed.
- Bugfix: A problem with displaying Chinese characters in exported PDF files was fixed.
- Bugfix: When copying or moving multiple files within an SSH (Linux/Unix) scan, not all files could be copied/moved under certain circumstances. This problem has been fixed.
Changed compatibilities
- TreeSize now requires .NET Framework 4.8, which should already be installed on most systems via Windows Update.
- Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008R2 are no longer supported, so at least Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 is now required. Older versions of TreeSize that support older operating systems can be downloaded from our customer area.
- We plan to end support for the FTP protocol with V8.3, because we believe that wherever FTP is possible, the more modern and secure SSH protocol is also usable. If we are wrong with this assumption, we would be happy to hear from you. On our feature voting platform there is also an entry for the support of the modern SFTP / SCP protocol.
Version 8.1.4
- The analysis of local drives as administrator with activated statistics for file owners now works again with the usual speed.
- File Search: An error that could cause large files to not be correctly detected as duplicates has been fixed.
- A problem with exporting and importing very large file structures using the compressed .XML.ZIP format has been fixed.
Version 8.1.3
- The small hourglass overlay icons, which indicate that a sub-folder is still being scanned by TreeSize, were sometimes missing. This has been corrected.
- When scanning mapped network drives, in rare cases an error occurred when starting the scan. This problem has been fixed.
- File Search: A problem that could lead to an error when searching for file contents has been fixed.
- File Search: An error when using the /EXCLUDE command line parameter has been fixed.
Version 8.1.2
- TreeSize is now also available in Bulgarian and Hungarian.
- The scan speed could be increased, especially for fast drives.
- On NetApp Storage System, snapshots were sometimes not displayed when using the "Compare with snapshots" function. This problem has been fixed.
- The behavior when loading XML scans via the "Open with" function of Windows Explorer has been improved.
- A possible application freeze when changing the selection in the directory tree during a running export has been fixed.
- When deleting from the Top 100 list, it could happen that other entries were duplicated. This issue has now been resolved.
- Scans loaded from an XML file now again show the date of the scan after the root directory name again.
- The behavior for the /EXPORTTITLE parameter has been corrected. The setting now affects the title of the export as expected, instead of just a subtitle.
- File search: The command line parameter /EXPORTTITLE is now evaluated correctly for file search.
- File search: A possible problem with the display of context menus has been fixed.
- File search: The printing of search results works again as it used to.
- Other minor fixes and improvements have been made.
Version 8.1.1
- The treemap chart is now exported correctly again.
- A possible freeze of the user interface when displaying MD5 or SHA256 checksums has been fixed.
- File search: An error that could occur when using an invalid regular expression has been fixed.
- File Search: An error that could occur when creating a new automated task for file search was fixed.
- File Search: A possible program crash caused by resetting the options under certain circumstances has been fixed.
- File Search: The color display of compressed data in dark mode has been improved.
- Other minor fixes and improvements have been made.
Version 8.1
- With our brand-new Consultant License, you can now manage your licenses even easier! The Consultant License is a so-called Named User License. The license is assigned to one person in the licensee's company. This has the surplus value for the named user that he may install the software one after the other on any number of machines in your own company or at different customers’, for the period of use. This makes license management less complex. Especially IT-Admins or technicians who work on a variety of different systems will benefit from this new option. Please check our full license agreement for more details or visit our Shop to obtain a license.
- Starting with the upcoming version 8.2, TreeSize will no longer support Windows 7 and we will also no longer provide a 32-bit version. For customers who still need one of both, V8.1 will still be available for download in our customer area under "Older Versions".
- TreeSize now has a dark mode, i.e. a dark theme for the user interface. Its activation can either be linked to the Windows setting for the dark theme, or it can be switched on and off specifically. This feature requires Windows 10 1809 or later.
- TreeSize now supports the enumeration of ZIP files. To use a ZIP-file, you can use the path to the ZIP file just like a folder.
- The option to copy the file list of a file type is now also available for file groups.
- The option to generate an expandable Excel report ("File > Options > Export > Excel") now also affects the export of the list of file types, whose file groups are also fold-out. Analogously, such an option can be activated in the TreeSize File Search options for the Duplicate search.
- Date values can now also be displayed in the internationally standardized ISO date format.
- The File Operations dialog now has an option to preserve the timestamps (creation date, modification date, last access) of files when performing a copy or move operation on the file system.
- File search: The new "Templates" function replaces predefined searches like "Oldest files", or "Largest files". A new drop-down list contains a variety of predefined templates that serve as a starting point for a new, fully customizable user-defined search.
- File Search: A new "Simple Search" feature has been added to the file search, allowing quick and easy searching of search criteria, similar to the Windows Explorer search box. Benefit from the fast TreeSize search engine, the many supported search targets including the cloud, the numerous export formats for the results and the powerful file operations that can be applied to them.
- File search: The user interface for search filters has been completely redesigned to improve appearance and usability. Search criteria such as file name, size, or age can now be freely defined in a central location and even combined as desired.
- File search: A new option that allows to display the highest search hit per directory branch in the directory hierarchy has been added. Subfolders or files of a folder are no longer displayed as search results if the entire folder meets the search conditions.
- Administrators can now define default settings for various options via the Windows Registry. These will then be used instead of the factory settings when TreeSize is started for the first time or when resetting the options. For easier configuration of these options, administrative templates are available for the Windows Group Policy Editor. More information and downloads can be found in the online help.
- Inaccessible paths in the drive list are now shown disabled.
- The suggested file name for the export file is now derived from the path to be exported.
- TreeSize now displays a warning when moving files or folders from a system directory, as it does when deleting. This also applies to the File Operations dialog.
- The batch rename dialog now uses the same sort order for sequentially numbered renames as the user interface.
- Folders that are currently being scanned are now also marked with an hourglass icon in the Details list.
- Multi-factor authentication (MFA) credentials for SharePoint scans can now be saved and reused without having to enter them again.
- The command line option /HideSmallFolders for hiding smaller folders in exports can now be set independently of the expansion level (/Expand). (Professional Edition only)
- When performing a Drag&Drop operation in the directory tree, it will now scroll automatically when reaching the top or bottom of the directory tree.
- The support for Windows high contrast display mode has been improved.
- Opening URL files by double-clicking them now works correctly.
- A rare error when deleting files from the Top 100 list was fixed.
- In rare cases, the used disk space was calculated incorrectly when scanning local drives. This problem has been fixed.
- In certain cases, the file preview still showed the contents of a file that had just been deleted. This error has been fixed.
- The redirection of standard and error output when TreeSize was started from the command line now works as expected.
- File search: A possible error when searching SharePoint documents by file content has been corrected.
- File search: A potential error when searching for file contents has been fixed. old .MSG files created under Windows XP could cause a crash.
- Various minor corrections and improvements have been made.
Version 8.0.3
- File search: A problem with sending emails via command line was fixed.
- An error that could occur on systems with a customized "Regional Format" system setting while sending emails via SMTP was fixed.
- The options for managing the history data in the ribbon bar are now active again.
- The location US East 2 (Ohio) for Amazon S3 storage is now properly supported.
- A problem that could occur with license management on systems with outdated certificates was fixed.
Version 8.0.2
- Command line: Using the parameters /EXCEL /APPENDTOFILES False, existing Excel files can now be completely overwritten during export. (Professional Edition only)
- An error in grouping folders when creating a collapsible Excel report was fixed.
- TreeSize no longer loses focus after displaying a progress dialog.
- On a few systems, delays could occur when starting TreeSize. This problem has been fixed.
- When exporting several lists into one Excel file, wrong sheet names were used in some cases. This problem has been fixed.
- The language of the used MSI installer is now correctly adopted by TreeSize.
- Encoding problems are fixed that occurred when copying or moving from Amazon S3 Storage, SharePoint or Linux/Unix servers with files that contain spaces in their name.
- The order of charts included in an export has been corrected and is now consistent for all export methods.
- The "Apply permissions to each item" option of the File Operations dialog created target folders with the file attribute "Hidden" in some cases. This error has been fixed.
- When sending reports by e-mail for a scheduled scan with multiple scan targets, only one e-mail with all results is now sent, instead of sending them separately for each scan target.
- The hyperlinks in the 'Containing path' column for Excel exports were corrected
- A problem that could occur when exporting the list of file types to an Excel file has been solved.
- An error when sorting the list of file types was fixed.
- Environment variables (e.g. %Date%) in the path of an exported file are now resolved correctly again.
- File search: A possible error when displaying the error list in the duplicate search was fixed.
- File search: When importing older TreeSize options (v7.0 or older), the activated columns of the result lists are now correctly restored
- Other minor bugfixes and improvements were made.
Version 8.0.1
- File Search: Fixed a possible user interface freeze when the preview window is displayed during an ongoing search.
- File Search: The column "Number of versions" is now also available in the dialog for additional search filters.
- File Search: A potential error when deleting or moving files in the demo version was fixed.
- Sorting by the number of versions now works as expected.
- In some cases, the row height of the last row of an Excel export was too small. This problem has been fixed.
- Scans exported from TreeSize (in XML.ZIP format) can now also be opened with the 'Open with...' function from the context menu of the Windows Explorer.
- Columns for user and file type statistics are now exported with correct values even if the corresponding statistics are not included in the export.
- When using the file operations dialog, username and password for files on Amazon S3 Storages, SharePoint or Linux/Unix servers were queried multiple times in certain cases. This problem has been fixed.
- An error in the display of the file type diagram was fixed. The diagram is now displayed correctly even with an active filter on a file type.
- An error when searching for duplicates on mobile devices was fixed.
- Sending exports as e-mail attachments now works as expected again.
- Some minor improvements were made to the usability and reactivity of the dialog for selecting scan targets. The folder "Quick Access" is now also available here.
- An occasional error in the position of the “Details” slider of the treemap was fixed.
- The calculation of directory depth for folders on SharePoint pages was corrected. The value was always one less than expected.
- The file age statistics now works correctly again if the creation date is selected as the basis for the statistics in the TreeSize Options.
- Fixed calculation of percentage values for folders larger than 8TB.
- Exports from the command line without explicitly specifying an /EXPAND parameter for export depth have been speeded up. (Professional Edition only)
Version 8.0
- The component for managing the installation key has been renewed. This fixes issues that some customers have experienced with the Windows Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) security option, Carbon Black security software, and Lumension Endpoint Protection. Therefore, all customers need new installation keys for V8, which are available through our customer area.
- A new dialog for selecting a scan targets has been added. Even complex paths and URLs can now be compiled with a few clicks.
- A search box at the top of the main window (available in Windows 10), as well as in the Options dialog, now allows searching for actions or settings quickly and conveniently.
- Scans of network drives are now up to ten times faster.
- Explicitly added network drives and UNC paths are now displayed in the drive overview even if they are currently not accessible.
- The function for restricting the view to one file extension has been improved and allows a restriction to a complete file group.
- The "Name" column is no longer scrolled out of the visible area in all lists. This makes it easier to view tables with many activated columns.
- Screen scaling for multiple monitors with different resolutions has been improved.
- If a drive locked with BitLocker is scanned, the dialog for entering the password now appears automatically if the drive has not been unlocked yet.
- Bugfix: The progress bar when comparing a scan with another path now starts at 0 instead of the number of files in the original scan.
Directory Tree
- The small progress bar in the directory tree has been visually modernized. It now scales correctly on high-resolution monitors for which Windows screen scaling is enabled.
- A file selected in the directory tree is now opened or executed by pressing Enter.
Details list
- In the Details list, checkboxes can now be displayed for the individual elements to simplify complex selections. File operations such as copy, move, rename or delete can then be applied to the selection.
- The background context menu of the Details list has been extended and now allows further actions, such as creating a new folder.
- The preview pane on the right of the Details list and the File Search results now shows more metadata, like: File version, keywords, "Last Saved By" for office files, etc.
- For EML, EXE and DLL files, the "Author" column now shows available values of the file.
- All charts that show a part of the directory hierarchy now have a button to navigate up one level in the hierarchy. As before, you can navigate downwards in the hierarchy by double-clicking an element.
- The history now offers the option to display sizes of older scans for which different filters were used in the scan options, which may limit the comparability of results. The new option "Ignore Scan Filters" can be found in the ribbon bar "History" under "Show".
- An error was fixed in the file age statistics for the number of files displayed.
- The pie, bar, and tree map charts now also take a restriction to a file extension or a user into account and thus show the same values as in the directory tree and the Details list.
- TreeSize now also supports multi-factor authentication when accessing SharePoint Online.
- The number of versions of files on a SharePoint are now correctly displayed in the corresponding column of the details list.
- When examining SharePoint servers, the file attributes are now determined correctly.
- For files and folders on SharePoint servers, available values are now displayed in the "Description" column.
- TreeSize now also supports the display of free and total available disk space on SharePoint pages.
Amazon S3
- The syntax to scan all available Amazon S3 buckets has changed from s3:// to s3://* to be more consistent with similar cases. If you supply credentials within the URL please use: s3://Key:Hiddenkey@*
- You can now also delete folders from Amazon S3 Storage that contain non-empty subfolders.
SSH / Linux Scans
- The available file operations for SSH scans have been extended. For example, it is now possible to create new folders in scanned SSH structures.
- SSH scans now support the ECDSA host key algorithm.
- The "Permissions" column now also shows the file permissions for SSH scans using the common Linux/Unix format. This applies to all lists in which the "Permissions" column is available ("Details", "Top 100 Files", file search result lists).
- Column headers are no longer truncated when exporting to text format and plaintext emails. Instead, they are wrapped to multiple lines if necessary.
- The file export in HTML format now includes all graphics in the HTML file. Previously, graphics were stored as individual files next to the .html file. As of now they are embedded. This change makes it more convenient to move or forward HTML exports. For technical reasons, this increases the runtime for HTML exports and the size of the resulting HTML file.
- When selecting the export options, you can now choose whether an additional "[Files]" element should be exported for each directory.
- The font used for PDF exports is now based on the system settings and the current application language. This means that Asian fonts can now be correctly exported to PDF.
- The size values in the exported data now also respect a filter set in the user interface for a file extension or a user.
Command line (Professional Edition only)
- Using the parameters /EXCEL /APPENDTOFILES False, existing Excel files can now be completely overwritten during export.
- The new parameter /EXPORTTITLE allows to configure the title line in exports. The /TITLE parameter can still be used to replace the path with your own text for a single scan, or to change the name of a custom file search.
- When exporting to an Excel file via /EXCEL, the /APPENDTOFILES parameter can now be used together with /SHEETNAME to append the data to the specified sheet.
- The new parameter/IMPORTPATTERNS can be used to load filters from a file.
- For XML exports, the /DATE parameter now adds the date before the .XML.ZIP file extension, instead of between .XML and .ZIP as before.
- PDF files are now correctly attached to email exports with multiple scans (when exporting from the command line).
- When exporting to Excel via command line and only a file name is specified for the export file (instead of an explicit path), the export is now stored in the current working directory.
File operations
- The File Operations dialog now provides separate radio buttons for selecting the move and copy operations.
- The “Move Elements to Recycle Bin” and “Delete Elements from Hard Disk” options have been merged to “Delete Elements” item. Using the new “Move to Recycle Bin” checkbox, elements can still be moved to the recycle bin (if supported for the drive).
- When selecting “Zip Items”, there is now an additional option “Keep original items after zipping” which prevents the zipped files from being deleted from their original location.
- The File Operations dialog now also allows to move or copy files to Amazon S3 Storages, SharePoint or Linux/Unix servers.
- The usability of the dialog for renaming multiple files at once has been improved
File search
- The order of the custom searches can now be changed using drag & drop.
- The search for duplicate files now offers the additional comparison method "Size and Date": This method compares files only by their file size and the date of their last modification.
- The column "Matching condition" is now also available in the custom search. It shows which of the search filters caused the element to be listed in the search results.
- The search patterns for searching for temporary and obsolete files have been improved.
- The dialog for scheduling automated tasks has been enhanced with additional elements so that for automated file operations (move, copy, delete), all options otherwise available in the user interface can now be set directly when creating the task. (Professional Edition only)
Compatibility Changes
- The operating systems Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 are no longer supported, so at least Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 is required now, as well as .Net Framework 4.7.2 or higher, which should already be installed on your system by Windows Update.
- The TreeSize user interface is now also available in Chinese (Simplified), Danish and Czech.
Version 7.1.5
- An error in the analysis of Citrix ShareFile drives mounted in Windows has been fixed.
- File Search: The option "Include files with invalid owner", which is part of the “Temporary Files” search, now works correctly again.
- File search: The drop-down menu for selecting file groups as search filters no longer contains duplicate entries.
- File search: A possible error when sorting the result list of the duplicate search has been fixed.
- File search: A possible error when deleting files while the search is still running has been fixed.
- TreeSize is now also available in Greek.
Version 7.1.4
- A possible error when quickly changing the sort column of the Details list has been fixed.
- An error when exporting multiple scan targets into one PDF file was fixed.
- In some cases, the order of the scans in the directory tree changed unintended. It now always represents the order in which the scans have been added.
- File search: Drag&drop of files and folders from the result list now works again.
- File search: The function to import and export a list of paths is now also available in the Personal Edition.
- File search: A possible error when calculating directory sizes during the search was fixed.
- File search: A possible user interface freeze when deleting many files at once was fixed.
- File search: When using search filters for file type and file name at the same time, they are now combined correctly.
- File search: A problem that could lead to an incomplete import of search results was fixed.
Version 7.1.3
- Added support for Amazon S3 locations Mumbai, Bahrain, Canada, Stockholm and Hong Kong.
- Fixed a possible error when resetting the options.
- File Search: Fixed a possible application crash when deleting files.
- Improved email sending via MAPI.
- Improved readability of email exports in HTML format in Outlook.
- The creation of folder and file icons for exports in HTML format has been optimized.
- Fixed a possible delay when closing the application.
- File Search: When using the command line parameter /DEDUPLICATE, the duplicate search is now activated automatically.
- File Search: The option "Exclude Filter" for custom searches is now saved correctly in all situations.
- The tooltip for columns with NTFS permissions is now displayed in multiple lines again.
Version 7.1.2
Main module:
- Renaming files and folders in the Details list now works as expected even if the scan is still in progress.
- The data copied from the Details list to the clipboard can now be pasted as a table to other applications (e.g. Excel) again.
- Bugfix: When importing an XML report which contains data from an unreliable or high latency network share, TreeSize may have become unresponsive. This issue has been fixed.
- Bugfix: In rare cases, TreeSize may have become unresponsive when scanning a host using SSH. This issue has been fixed.
- Bugfix: The filter mechanism in case multiple include filters are defined on the “Full Path” now works again correctly.
- Bugfix: Opening a document file from within TreeSize could lead to an unhandled exception in some situations. This issue has been fixed.
- Bugfix: When sending emails via MAPI, under certain circumstances a dialog could have been shown stating the application seemed to be frozen, even though TreeSize was still responsive. This issue has been fixed.
- Several minor improvements and fixes have been included.
File Search:
- Custom list separators for exports defined by the Options dialog of the main module, are now used for exports of the File Search as well.
- Using the command line parameter /DEDUPLICATE now activates the Duplicate search automatically.
- The „Compress“ option of the context menu of the search results can now be used again correctly.
- The „Invert selection“ action now works correctly with results of the Duplicate search.
- Bugfix: A possible issue when searching the content of specific UTF-8 coded files has been fixed.
- Bugfix: Search patterns defined for a custom search consisting of blank characters only will now be restored correctly after restarting the File Search.
Version 7.1.1
Main module:
- TreeSize is now available in Slovenian.
- Bugfix: Scans of NetApp systems could lead to unexpected results, in case of missing access rights. These folders are now accessed correctly again.
- Bugfix: Scanning SharePoint servers that contain folders with specific special characters (% and #) in their names could lead to an error. TreeSize is now able to capture these folders as well.
- Bugfix: An error during scans via SSH with system language “French” has been resolved.
- Bugfix: Loading XML reports that contain multiple scans could lead to an incorrect size value for “All scans” in the directory tree. This issue has been resolved.
- Bugfix: Automated TreeSize tasks will be shown in TreeSize’s task dialog again, after being modified via Windows’ task scheduler.
- Bugfix: Pie charts for file extensions are now shown correctly again in combination with view mode “Percent”.
- Bugfix: A display issue on Windows 7, using the “classic” theme has been resolved.
- Bugfix: Help files are now installed correctly, when language Russian is selected during the installation.
- Bugfix: Pressing the backspace key will now select the parent folder of the current selection, as in previous versions.
- Bugfix: When scanning a folder, TreeSize will now show the name of the drive in the directory tree next to the folder name again.
- Bugfix: Tooltips that are shown for the drive list will no longer flicker.
File Search:
- Bugfix: Sorting by the column „Last saved by” could lead to an error. This has been resolved.
Version 7.1
More user interface languages: In addition to English and German, the user interface is now available in French, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian and Ukrainian. Please note that we do not provide support, or supply a product manual in these languages. Thanks to all the translators who helped us translating the user interface.
Main module:
- TreeSize now supports the dedicated REST-interface for analyzing Sharepoint sites. By this, TreeSize can provide advanced functionalities, such as considering previous versions of files when calculating the „Allocated Space”, or allowing easier access to Sharepoint Online.
- The Details list can now show and export all columns that are available in Windows Explorer as well, including image dimensions, “Number of Pages“ of Word documents, or tags inside JPG and Office files.
- The scalability of the user interface in environments with multiple monitors and high DPI settings has been further improved. In addition to that, multiple adjustments and usability improvements have been included.
- The column „Free Space“ is now available in the Details list and for exports.
- It is now possible to create new empty folders and to rename existing files inside of Amazon S3 scans.
- SSH scans now support more file operations, such as renaming folders from within TreeSize directly.
- The dialog for creating scheduled TreeSize tasks now allows to add additional, arbitrary command line parameters.
- Existing TreeSize tasks can now be duplicated. They can also be exported to and imported from a file.
- Export settings for the size unit are now considered for single list exports, such as the “Extensions”, or the “Users” statistic as well.
- Bugfix: A possible issue during the deletion of files on a mobile device has been corrected.
- Bugfix: Renaming a file or folder on SharePoint Online will no longer trigger an error message.
- Bugfix: In certain cases, the content of OneDrive folders was not shown correctly. This problem has been fixed.
- A new column "Volume" that supplies the name of the volume a file or folder resides on is now available in the "More Columns" dialog, that can be accessed through the right click menu of column headers of the Details list and the result lists of the TreeSize FileSearch.
- Bugfix: A possible application freeze when showing tooltips for network shares has been resolved.
- XML reports containing paths that are located on high latency network drives are now loaded into TreeSize much faster.
- Bugfix: TreeSize will now scan S3 buckets correctly that contain a “dot” in their name.
- Bugfix: “Compare with snapshot” will now longer fail, if the name of a share contains whitespaces, or certain other special characters, such as the percent, or the equal sign.
- The layout of exported HTML reports has been improved. This includes exports to HTML files as well as Email exports.
- Several minor improvements and fixes have been included.
File Search:
- A new dialog has been added, which allows to bulk rename multiple files at the same time. (Available in the Details list of the main module as well)
- The Custom Search now supports searching for any file information that can be shown in the columns of the result list. This, for instance, allows to search for MP3 files of a certain artist, or for images that have specific dimensions.
- The “Duplicate Files” search now provides three additional comparison methods: “Name and Size” (compares files by using only their name and their file size), “Size only” (Compares files by their size), and “Name without Extension” (Identifies files with equal filenames, ignoring the file extension).
- You can now search for file content using multiple search terms. The syntax for such a combined pattern is {pattern1;pattern2;pattern3}. TreeSize will find files that contain all of these search terms.
- The ”Duplicates Files” search now supports an additional filter, which allows to exclude newer files from the search.
- Search results can now be filtered more easily. A new option allows to remove search results without excluding them from the search permanently.
- The new option “Skip offline files in searches that access file content” can be activated in order to prevent TreeSize from triggering the download of offline files. Otherwise, TreeSize would need to download the file in order to access its content when running a search for file content or a search for duplicates.
- Bugfix: An occasional memory problem during the search for file content has been resolved.
- The usability of several components, such as the dialog for selecting date intervals, or the configuration dialog of file operations, has been improved.
- Bugfix: Using the option “Delete empty directories after the operation” could lead to an application freeze. This issue has been fixed.
Compatibility changes:
- Net Framework: 4.5 or higher is mandatory. Please note: In rare cases, when the framework is not installed yet, our installer will automatically download and install it.
Version 7.0.5
- The option "Show > Hide folders smaller than XX MB" is now also considered for exports, if the option "Export expanded elements only" is activated in the Options dialog.
- Bugfix: An unhandled error that could occur when sorting by the column "Growth %" on the tab "Details" has been fixed
- The Amazon S3 regions eu-west-2 (London) and eu-west-3 (Paris) are now supported.
- Bugfix: When saving a scan to an XML file ("File > Save Scan to XML File") an error occurred if at least one file type, file type group, user or file age was previously added as a column to the Details list and this was also activated in the XML export options ("Tools > Options > Export > XML > Exported Columns"). This error has been fixed.
- The error handling of the TreeSize dialog for scheduled scans has been further improved. (Professional Edition only)
- Bugfix: When moving files using the "Move Elements" dialog with preservation of the permissions / access control lists (ACLs), for newly created folder the inheritance of the ACLs is now also copied correctly.
- File search: A scheduled task to search and delete objects using /MOVETO no longer displays a confirmation dialog, like in TreeSize V6.3. (Professional Edition only)
- File search: Existing tasks that perform an automatic move operation are now loaded correctly back into the user interface during editing. (Professional Edition only)
- Bugfix: PDF files are now attached correctly to email exports with multiple scans (command line exports, Professional Edition only)
Version 7.0.4
- Amazon S3: In a folder with many subfolders, potentially not all subfolders were found. This problem has been fixed.
- File search: When using the command line parameter /OPTIONS, TreeSize now checks if the option file exists and aborts processing in case of an error. (Professional Edition only)
- CSV export: There were unnecessary spaces in the column headers. These have been removed because they made further processing of the file more difficult.
- Exports of the directory tree, for which the columns of the Details list are configured to be used, now consider all columns displayed in the Details list.
- In the directory tree, TreeSize now shows again, as TreeSize V6 did, the name of the drive behind the drive letter, if a name was assigned.
- Bugfix: The "Back" button above the directory tree might have to be clicked twice to go back one step. This problem has been fixed.
- Symbolic links using the GUID of a local drive in the target path were not resolved correctly. This problem has been fixed.
- File search: The search options "Ignore NTFS hardlinks" and "Minimum number of hardlinks" in the custom search now work correctly again.
- Some other minor improvements and corrections have been made.
Version 7.0.3
- TreeSize is no longer shown in the context menu of ZIP files and the recycle bin.
- In the mode without user interface errors are now printed to the channel StdErr instead of StdOut.
- Like in Windows Explorer, pressing F4 now enters the path dropdown box and allows entering a path manually.
- The order of exported lists and charts has been corrected and is now again as it was in TreeSize V6.
- An unnecessary linefeed at the end of exported files, that was not present in TreeSize V6, has been removed again.
- Now SSL (HTTPS) is used to access the Amazon S3 storage.
- The error handling has been improved when using Windows tasks to automatize TreeSize scans.
- Bugfix: A possible crash when refreshing the directory tree has been fixed.
- Bugfix: The value for allocated space (size on disk) of the Top 100 files is now imported correctly from XML files.
- Bugfix: TreeSize now again asks for confirmation when deleting files to the recycle bin, depending on the system settings of the recycle bin.
- Bugfix: An unhandled error has been fixed that could occur when copying a list of files of a certain file extension to the clipboard.
- Bugfix: A possible error when scanning a large file system tree via network has been fixed.
- Bugfix: An occasional error when displaying the preview window for a search pattern has been fixed.
- Bugfix: The function “Manage history data > Change storage location” on the ribbon bar “History” displayed an error message, if TreeSize did not yet perform any scan. This problem has been fixed.
- Bugfix: A possible OutOfMemory error when exporting a larger folder structure to PDF has been fixed.
- Bugfix: When importing TreeSize options from a file, changes on the visible columns of the lists had been applied after restart only. Now a restart is no longer necessary.
- Bugfix – File Search: The summary when exporting the duplicate search now shows the correct sum and size of the duplicates again.
- Bugfix - File Search: A possible crash when using the function "Activate/deactivate all filters" has been fixed.
- Bugfix - File Search: In the dialog for moving elements (“Home > File Operations > Move Items”) sometimes the option “Delete empty folders after the operation” could not be check-marked. This problem has been fixed.
- Bugfix - File Search: The keyboard shortcut CTRL+X to cut the selected files to the clipboard now works again.
- Bugfix - File Search: The command line parameter /ATTACH is now correctly evaluated again in all possible combinations.
- Bugfix - File Search: Search paths are now persisted correctly under all conditions. Disconnecting and reconnecting a remote desktop session to a VM that is running the TreeSize File Search could previously lead to search paths not being stored correctly.
- Bugfix - File Search: Fixed possible crashes during the file content search that could occur when files that were being searched were modified from another PC at the same time.
- Some other minor fixes and improvements have been incorporated.
Version 7.0.2
- Depending on the current user settings, updating from a previous to the latest version of TreeSize could cause some issues. This could occur more likely, when updating from very old versions of TreeSize. These issues are now resolved.
- Fixed a possible crash that could occur if two usernames differ in case only.
- OneDrive folders are now followed correctly again. An issue with the latest OneDrive client has been resolved.
- Comparing a scan with a previously exported scan from an XML file that contained multiple drives, could fail under certain circumstances. This issue has been fixed.
- A possible freeze if the current printer is not reachable has been fixed.
- File Search: Fixed a possible crash that could occur if the duplicates search and the temporary file search were active at the same time.
- File Search: Column options of the result lists will now be restored from previously saved options files correctly again.
- File Search: Fixed an issue that could occur when searching PDF files for their content on Server 2016 systems.
- File Search: Fixed cases where some files were not checked correctly, if the new option "Ensure one unchecked duplicate" was used.
Version 7.0.1
- When executing the portable version, which can be created on a USB stick using the Professional Edition, a dialog prompted for an installation key on other machines. This dialog no longer appears.
- A problem was resolved that could lead to a freeze of a scan via SSH.
- The scan of a SharePoint server that was not running on a standard port (80 or 443) was significantly slower than with V6.3.
- Exporting a SSH or S3 scan to an XML-file now works without errors.
- A problem was resolved that could occur when reading a config file which was created by a very old version of TreeSize, and lead to a freeze of the application or an error when starting TreeSize.
- When scanning a DFS tree TreeSize did not follow some symbolic links that it used to follow in V6.3. This behavior has been corrected. The general behavior whether or not symbolic links will be followed, can be controlled in the “Options” at „Scan > General“.
- After updating from an older version a pie chart may have been exported along with the export of a text file. This issue has been resolved.
- File Search: When sorting by the column “Allocated” an error message will no longer occur.
- A few minor fixes and improvements have been incorporated.
Version 7.0
Main module:
- It is now possible to scan your Amazon S3 Storage using TreeSize.
- It is now possible to scan Linux/Unix-servers via SSH-protocol using TreeSize.
- It is now possible to add single file types or users as columns to the “Details” view using their context menu. That way they can be easily monitored across the entire folder hierarchy and can also be included in the reports.
- Intervals of the Age of Files statistics can now be added as columns to the “Details” view using their context menu.
- The number of files in the Top 100 list can now be configured in the Options dialog. Additionally you can choose here whether they will be chosen based on their plain file size or the space they actually occupy on the disk.
- A new checkbox on the ribbon bar “View” allows to hide empty folders. This is particularly useful if there a lot of such folders because a filter has been applied.
- Beneath the user and the file extension statistics we show a treemap chart now, because it is able to transport more information on the same area as the old bar chart.
- We added two additional formats for displaying usernames: Full Name, and Username (Full Name)
- A new tooltip option allows you to peek into a folder without actually expanding the folder in the directory tree.
- TreeSize may now optionally show a message in the Windows system tray, once a longer running scan or file search is finished.
- The treemap chart has been extended with many new display options:
- Single files can be displayed now.
- Besides the file types now the file type groups like „Office files“ or “Video files” can be optionally shown as intermediate level. If shown, they will be colored by type, not by their level like the folders.
- The free space can optionally be shown as separate tile.
- Optionally the labels can be hidden so that no space needs to be reserved for them.
- At „Options > Scan > Filter“ you can now choose entire file type groups like „Office files“ or „Video files“ as filter, just like this is now possible in the Custom Search (see below).
- When scheduling a scan you may now choose a monthly interval. (Professional edition only)
- The user interface is no longer blocked when loading or comparing with a formerly saved XML file.
- The column width of PDF exports can now be configured in the Options dialog.
- The feature “Hide folders smaller than…” can now be configured using KB, GB and Bytes besides MB.
- Numerous minor improvements and fixes have been included.
File Search:
- Like in the main module Amazon S3 Storages and Linux/Unix-Server via SSH can now be used as search target.
- In the Custom Search you can now use the existing file type groups like “Video files” as search criteria. These groups can also be edited now in the Options dialog of the TreeSize File Search.
- All columns the Windows Explorer supports can now be displayed and exported, among them the width and height of pictures, the number of pages of MS Word documents, or keywords of JPG and Office files.
- Multiple custom searches can now be defined and used concurrently.
- The minimal and maximal directory depth can now be used as search criteria in the custom search.
- The predefined searches like “Biggest Files” now have their own ribbon bar, in which the configuration for this search is done now.
- It is now more comfortable to choose date values in the Custom Search.
- The feature “Checkmark if…” now offers more possibilities and regular expressions.
- The TreeSize File Search now supports PDF export too.
- The number of errors (like “Access denied”), which occurred during the search, is now displayed in the status bar. Clicking it brings up a dialog with further details.
- Duplicate Search: The duplicates can be exported optionally with groups now. Such a text file can now be properly imported to the duplicate search.
- Duplicate Search: In the dropdown menu of the button “Check all but newest” we now offer more functions to modify the check-state of the results. Here, an option can be activated that ensures that at least one duplicate remains after deleting duplicates.
- The export of the Duplicate Search has been accelerated by factor 10.
- A new option for scheduled searches will send an email only if results have actually been found for this search. (Professional edition only)
- The command line option /SORTBY has been introduced, which is now also supported in the TreeSize File Search. (Professional edition only)
- The new command line option /COPYTO has been added, it works like the existing /MOVETO function but copies the search results. (Professional edition only)
Compatibility changes:
- Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 are no longer supported.
- On Windows Core Server only the command line interface is supported, a user interface is no longer available. In case this is still needed, V6.3.7 can be used. V7.0 prints the results as text on the console for a given path. This also applies to the File Search, which can be started using the /SEARCH parameter, additionally a search pattern can be supplied using /FILTER, or previously saved search options can be supplied as XML file. (Professional edition only)