Product News Storage Management

Track down duplicate folders, select new scan targets and search through ZIP files

TreeSize Professional V8.2 is here and these community features are included!

Blog Author Joachim Marder


TreeSize v8.2 released
Published on 01.12.2021

The time has come, TreeSize Professional V8.2 is ready and available for download! In our latest update we have again many exciting new features for you. Among them are also some features that have won the feature voting of our users. Let's take a look!

Community Features for the TreeSize File Search

The TreeSize community has voted: Many users have asked for a search to track down duplicate directories in their file systems in addition to the regular search for duplicate files. More than 100 people voted for this feature on our feature voting platform.

The new function is now available in TreeSize Professional. And this is how you search for duplicate directories in the future: Select the predefined option "Duplicate Files" in the TreeSize File Search and choose "Include folders" in the ribbons in the upper area. TreeSize will include folders in the next search.

Select the path to your drive or server you want to scan and optionally choose filters the duplicates should match. TreeSize lists all duplicate folders clearly in a list.

For your interest: We collected some tips to improve your duplicate search even more. Check it out!

Are you looking for similar folders instead? SpaceObServer makes it possible with an even more complex duplicate search. Search for similar folder structures with SpaceObServer and get an overview of folder trees with duplicate or similar contents.

Another feature that the TreeSize community has requested on the Feature Voting Platform is the search in ZIP files - i.e. within compressed archives. Now you can easily check "Search in ZIP files" in the options for the TreeSize search under "File Search".

TreeSize will then immediately consider the contents of ZIP files. Specify the path to a ZIP file that you want to scan. Especially useful: TreeSize then also includes contents of archive files during normal drive or server scans.

Besides duplicate search and search in ZIP files, TreeSize File Search can do even more. Have a look at our website!

Easily scan and examine drive images

Do you also want to scan drive images with TreeSize - i.e. drives that are not (yet) mounted in Windows Explorer? You are not alone with this! Many of our users have asked for this new scanning option. With TreeSize Professional V8.2 we now fulfill this wish.

Besides a whole range of possible local scans and scans of networks, TreeSize now also scans drive images in VHDX, VHD and ISO format. To do this, select the image file as usual via the path selection on your file system.

TreeSize instantly begins with the scan and lists the drive image in a clearly arranged tree view.

Good to know: With the update we have also improved the Top 100 files view. Now TreeSize already shows intermediate results during the scan. This makes your system scan even more efficient.

TreeSize can scan and examine many more scan targets.

New column for costs in the TreeSize Details View

With its Details View in the main module, TreeSize allows a lot of information about files and folders in the selected directory, which can be switched on and off as desired. New is now the column "Costs".

With "Costs" you can individually calculate your accruing costs for used storage space in a certain period of time. For example, you can assign storage costs to different departments in your company or organization. TreeSize helps you find and remove space hogs. Use the scan comparison feature to find out how much cost you saved by cleaning up your file systems compared to the last scan.

Easily customize the cost calculation as well as currency and time interval in the TreeSize options under "Appearance". The new column can also be added to all available export types, if desired.

TLDR – For those with not so much time

With version 8.2 we not only improve the TreeSize File Search, but also extend possible scan targets and offer new features in the Details View. At this point, we would like to thank all users who voted on our Feature voting Platform.

Besides the new features we have described here, there are of course many more changes with the update. Take a look at the complete changelog, we have recorded everything for you there.


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