SpamAssassin for POP3 and IMAP
SpamAssassin is a powerful spam filter and recognizes as well as marks or moves unsolicited emails reliably.
SmartPOP2Exchange is shipped with a preconfigured and ready-to-use SpamAssassin. The software will protect your inbox from spam emails - no additional configuration needed. To continuously increase the spam detection rate, you should train SpamAssassin regularly.
SpamAssassin rates emails and adds the result to gain a SpamScore, an internal value determining the chance of a certain email being spam. The following modules are used:
1. Static Analysis
Content and email attachments are rated with the help of regular expressions. SpamAssassin will find variants of words, even if they are misspelled intentionally:
2. Network Analysis
A checksum of the email content is created and matched with the Razor2 network. Links embedded in the email are compared to website real time blacklist servers (URL RBL); the sender's IP address is checked against DNS Real Time Blacklist Servers (RBL) and whitelists.
3. Learning Bayes Filter
Words in different constellations are evaluated statistically and rated according to their spam probability. The Bayes filter profits from continuous training.
You require individual spam protection? Simply define your own spam rules.
Hint: The Exchange Server Toolbox offers automatic whitelisting. The integrated Outlook add-in enables you to train your Bayes filter with unwanted (spam) and wanted (ham) emails.