What is New in SEPA-Transfer?

With V11.0 we replaced the license key management with a more modern technique. Since it is a complete replacement, unfortunately your license keys will also change with V11.0. If you use the function "Check for update" in the ribbon bar "Help", SEPA-Transfer pulls the update itself and the new key comes automatically.

If a problem occurs here, you will find the download and your license key(s) in our customer area, as usual. For the Small Business Edition and the Enterprise Edition, there is now only one installation file. The edition is recognized by the license key.

What new features are planned for the near future?

Your opinion counts. Be part of the decision team and vote here for new SEPA-Transfer features.

Version 11.2.4

  • The currency code for amounts in the account transactions now matches the currency code from the main window and is no longer determined based on the Windows region settings.
  • It is now possible again to print all open transactions as a list or export them as a PDF.
  • The total of transactions in the status bar at the bottom is now reliably updated after a single amount has been changed.
  • Since V11.2, the export used a format for the execution date that was not supported or recognized by some banks. The problem has been fixed.
  • In very rare cases, an unhandled error could occur at the end of the installation when updating the database if the SEPA Transfer database contained very old data that did not correspond to the expected format. This problem has been fixed.
  • The list of recently executed transactions, which can be printed out or exported as a PDF after an export or online banking, is now sorted by name again.
