What is New in Exchange Server Toolbox?
Version 6.8
- Updated virus scanner: ClamAV v1.4.1 with critical security updates
Version 6.7.1
Bug fixes
- Updated mail parser: MimeKit v4.7.1 with critical security update
Version 6.7
Updated virus scanner: ClamAV v1.3.1 with critical security updates
In the archive search, it is now possible to search for the display name in the "From" and "To" fields.
In the archive search, it is now possible to search for an address in Outlook format in the "From" and "To" fields (e.g. Max Mustermann <mustermann@example.com>)
Improved handling of user names containing domains for the EWS archive import.
The display of internationalized domain names in the archive search has been improved.
Error corrections
A problem that under certain circumstances affected the communication of the components for email processing has been fixed.
A problem has been fixed which could lead to an error when searching for the content of an email in the archive.
Under certain circumstances, it could happen in very rare cases that the action for inserting additional text in the email body was available but not visible. The problem has been fixed.
A problem has been fixed whereby not all of a user's mailboxes could be selected in the EWS Import archive.
Fixed an issue where the archive search returned incorrect results when using certain characters.
A possible unintentional abortion of the virus scan has been prevented.
An error that could occur when paths were too long (e.g. due to automatically generated file names based on e-mail subject values) has been fixed.
Version 6.6
- Updated virus scanner: ClamAV v1.3.0 with critical security updates
Bug fixes
- A problem with the direction detection of emails with multiple recipients has been fixed.
- Fixed an issue where the Exchange Server Toolbox could not correctly determine the direction of emails automatically generated by the email server.
Version 6.5
- Support for the hMail server has been removed.
- The overview page now contains the status of error reporting.
- Direction detection no longer relies on sender IP for emails to distribution lists.
- New version v1.2.1 of ClamAV
- Added direction detection by email domains known to the Exchange Server Toolbox.
- The accuracy and transparency of direction detection for emails has been improved.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a problem that caused the configuration interface to use large amounts of memory under certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue where the antivirus signatures could not be updated regularly in certain cases.
- The number of retries for the spam check can now be configured
- A problem that prevented test mails from being sent without authentication has been fixed.
- The timeout for email processing can be set by the user.
- Fixed an issue where the retention policy could produce an error if an email had already been removed from the archive by other means.
- Various improvements to error handling in the Outlook Add-In
- Fixed a problem where user permissions were not displayed correctly in the archive search of the Outlook Add-In.
- An error when saving whitelist exceptions has been fixed.
- A problem has been fixed whereby the rule for checking whether an email address is in the spam white or black list could cause an error under certain circumstances.
- An error when discarding the port options has been fixed.
- An error that could occur when saving the settings has been fixed.
Version 6.4
- Removed support for hMail Server.
- Added support for Microsoft SQL Server 2022.
- Updated virus scanner: ClamAV v1.1.0.
- New page under "Advanced Settings" which allows configuring each port used by Exchange Server Toolbox.
- SmartPop2Exchange can now be launched directly from the Exchange Server Toolbox interface if it is installed.
- A problem that caused the SpamAssassin in a Box service to stop responding under certain circumstances has been fixed.
- Several problems were fixed that caused deletion requests not to be executed or answered correctly.
- Several problems that could occur on the deletion request pages have been fixed.
- Several problems were fixed due to which changed user rights for the archive were not correctly applied.
- The error handling of login errors in the interface has been improved.
- Fixed a problem that prevented logging in with the default user on servers without Active Directory.
- Fixed a problem that sometimes caused emails that should not be archived to be archived anyway.
- Fixed a problem that could cause newly created archive users with incorrect settings to be activated under certain circumstances.
- An error in the action "Forward a copy to another SMTP server" has been fixed.
- Fixed a problem that could cause the German Outlook Add-In to run in English.
- Improved formatting of the spam report in the Event Log view.
- Entering a valid server name is now mandatory in the Outlook add-in when server auto-discovery is disabled.
- A scrollbar was added to the overview under Distributed Installations.
- A problem that sometimes prevented the user from exiting the page for restoring backups of settings during installation has been fixed.
- Several minor improvements to the configuration interface.
Version 6.3
- Updated spam protection: SpamAssassin in new version v4.0.
- Updated virus scanner: ClamAV v1.0.1.
- Added support for Windows Server 2022.
- Fixed an error that could occur when starting the service.
- The "Search by address" and "Search by correspondence" options now work in the "Sent" folder.
- If the archive is searched to create a deletion request and the page is exited during the search, an error message no longer appears.
- The selection option (via checkbox) on the confirmation page for a 4-eyes deletion request now works.
- A possible error that could occur in the Outlook add-in when training the Bayes filter has been fixed.
- The username of the user answering a 4-eyes deletion request was incorrect in some circumstances. The problem was fixed.
- An error that caused the link to the folder containing the Exchange Server Toolbox Outlook Add-in Setup to open the wrong folder was fixed.
- A version conflict of a DLL used in the Outlook Add-in was resolved.
- The action to send a copy to another SMTP server can now convert email from TNEF format to MIME format.
Version 6.2.1
- An error in the migration of database archives was fixed.
- An error that could cause the spam scan to be canceled was fixed.
- An error that prevented new deletion requests from being executed was fixed.
- When installing the new version over an existing installation, the user interface could not be closed, requiring a restart at the end of the installation. This is now fixed.
- Fixed an error when adding the senders of an email to the blacklist or whitelist.
- A possible error that could occur in the Outlook Add-in when marking a mail as spam has been fixed.
Version 6.2
- Access to the archive is now protected by authentication.
- Users can now reject their own deletion requests in the archive.
- New version of SpamAssassin for Exchange Server Toolbox: v3.4.6.
- The “Est Mail ID” email property has been added to the template variables in the rule set.
- Attachments can now be saved in the Archive Search email preview via a context menu.
- An error in the "Email is received within two dates" condition has been fixed.
- When importing/exporting an archive, an incorrect number of successfully imported/exported items might have been displayed. The problem was fixed.
- An error in the Outlook add-in that occurred mainly when using the Spam/Ham training functionality has been fixed.
- A bug that caused the body of TNEF emails not to be displayed in Outlook was fixed.
- An issue that caused the check for updates not to work was fixed.
- An error that caused TNEF emails to be opened read-only in Outlook was fixed.
- The "Save email to folder" action has a new option, "Convert TNEF to MIME".
- A serious bug that caused the service to stop responding in rare cases has been fixed.
- Under some circumstances, it was possible that the event log view could no longer filter correctly by log level. The problem was fixed.
- A problem with incorrectly displayed umlauts in the words whitelist was fixed.
- An error in archive user authentication on systems without Active Directory connection was fixed.
- When creating a delete request, it is now possible to cancel the search for emails.
- The used SpamAssassin Shortcircuit rules "USER_IN_BLACKLIST" and "USER_IN_BLACKLIST_TO" have been replaced by the new versions "USER_IN_BLOCKLIST" and "USER_IN_BLOCKLIST_TO".
- The used SpamAssassin shortcircuit rules "USER_IN_WHITELIST" and "USER_IN_DEF_WHITELIST" have been replaced by the new versions "USER_IN_WELCOMELIST" and "USER_IN_DEF_WELCOMELIST".
- Fixed an issue where aliases of email addresses were not added to the whitelist.
- Fixed a problem where the wrong client was used when using email aliases.
- Fixed a problem where email address aliases did not appear in auto-complete text boxes.
- The option to display changelog information in case of an update now leads to the correct web page.
- Visualization issues in the update dialog have been fixed.
Version 6.1.3
- New version of the virus scanner: ClamAV v0.105.0
Version 6.1.2
- Fixed a problem with archive permissions with MySQL archives.
- In some cases, users who were not overridden in the settings did not have access to archive search, although it was allowed. This has been fixed.
- Fixed a problem where the user under which the Exchange Server Toolbox was installed did not get full access to the archive.
- Fixed a problem where not all emails of a request were always visible when responding to a delete request.
- Fixed a problem where direction detection did not work as expected in connection with local alias addresses.
- Now, as expected, only one deletion request can be created for one e-mail.
- Fixed an issue that prevented deletion requests from being created for emails archived from an older version.
- An error occurred when using a MySQL database archive of an older version.
- Fixed a problem that caused the database schema to not always be updated correctly for MySQL archives.
Version 6.1.1
- A critical error in the archive search was fixed.
- A problem with the default user rights of newly created clients was fixed.
- A possible error when starting a search in parallel with an already running search was fixed.
- A problem with manual training of the Bayes Filter in the configuration interface was fixed.
Version 6.1
- Added a four-eyes deletion principle for controlled deletion of emails from the archive.
- Email direction can now be set manually for hosts and IPs.
- Spam scans can now be run on another system.
- The connection to SpamAssassin can now be encrypted using SSL.
- New version v0.104.2 of ClamAV.
- A bug with saving the "Maximum size of emails to scan" setting in the "Spam Scan Options" has been fixed.
- An error that could occur when training emails as spam in the add-in was fixed.
- A display problem in the archive search of emails with multiple attachments with the same name has been fixed.
- The "Save attachments to a folder" action can now save inline attachments.
- The speed of spam scans has been doubled.
- A problem in direction detection, related to the use of IPv6 Global Unicast addresses, has been fixed.
- Attachments zipped by the ruleset now always get the desired file name.
- A problem that could prevent email processors from starting has been fixed. The error handling in case no email processors can be started has been improved.
Changed compatibilities
- Exchange Server Toolbox now requires .NET Framework 4.8.
- Server version Exchange 2013 CU23 or higher is supported
- Server version Exchange 2016: CU13 or higher is supported
- Server version Exchange 2019: CU2 or higher is supported
Version 6.0.4
- Fixed an issue that prevented ClamAV Sanesecurity signatures from updating correctly.
Version 6.0.3
- New version of the virus scanner: ClamAV v0.103.3
- A new rule condition has been added to detect emails whose content is encoded in the signature.
- A new rule condition has been added to detect attachments whose content is encoded in the signature.
- A new rule condition has been added for detecting signed emails.
- A new rule condition allows detecting encrypted emails.
- A new rule action for decoding email content in case it is encoded in the signature has been implemented.
- A new security rule removes signatures that have executables encoded in them.
- Several problems with the direction detection of processed emails have been fixed.
- A problem was fixed whereby the use of an external virus scanner could significantly delay email processing.
- The content of emails whose content is encoded in their signature can now be displayed in the archive search. For encrypted emails, the Archive Search now indicates that the content cannot be displayed because the email is encrypted.
- An error that could occur with signed emails when removing attachments has been fixed.
- A problem was fixed whereby the content of emails in a file system archive could not be displayed correctly if the archive was moved.
- An error with inline attachment detection was fixed.
- Fixed an issue that could cause an EML archive import to occasionally terminate prematurely with an error.
- Fixed a problem that could cause the service not to start correctly in some cases after a large archive import/export.
- A bug with displaying emails with attachments in the archive was fixed.
- Fixed an error that caused emails sent by the Exchange Server Toolbox ruleset to be processed again by the Exchange Server Toolbox.
- Fixed an error that could cause searches in an MSSQL archive to time out. The archive search speed has been improved.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the connection test to an email server in the ruleset to fail with an error.
- An error when saving multiple emails as EML or PDF was fixed.
- An error that caused spam emails not to be displayed correctly in the statistics has been fixed.
- Manually added addresses are now correctly included in the direction detection.
- Manually added addresses are now correctly taken into account in the responsible client detection.
- Manually added addresses are now correctly taken into account during automatic client recognition in archive import.
- Manually added email addresses now appear under "Advanced/E-mail delivery" in the automatic suggestions for senders and recipients.
- An error that prevented deactivated mailboxes from being activated in license management has been fixed.
- Error handling in case the certificate store cannot be accessed has been improved.
- Fixed a rare error that could cause the Active Directory process to crash.
- Changes to the error reporting settings are now applied even without a service restart.
- Fixed a problem that prevented settings from being distributed to additional installations.
- An error that could occur when training spam emails was fixed.
- An error when accessing email attachments was fixed.
- An error that could occur with Outlook 2013 or 2016 when opening signed emails in TNEF format has been fixed.
- More options have been added to the Outlook add-in that allow authentication with Windows users in certain network environments.
- Improved error handling when updating SaneSecurity virus signatures.
- When the setup is executed, it now checks whether the interface is still open and needs to be closed. This eliminates the need to restart the system after the setup is completed.
- Fixed an error that caused emails routed from SmartPOP2Exchange to Exchange Server Toolbox to be recognized as internal.
- A problem with the "Change recipient (SMTP)" action when used with an hMail server was fixed.
- The function to add addresses from the context menu in the Event Viewer to the SpamAssassin whitelist/blacklist now adds the correct addresses in all cases.
- An error that prevented the default anti-virus rule from being created on a fresh installation has been fixed.
- If there is no Exchange Server installed on the system, the hMail server is now correctly preselected in the setup.
Version 6.0.2
- An error that caused certain searches in the archive to time out has been fixed.
- A problem with the display of archived TNEF emails in Outlook has been fixed.
- The content of all archived emails is now again displayed in the archive search.
- A bug in the archive import filter has been fixed. Importing emails of a certain period now works again.
- An error when using a MySQL archive of an old version has been fixed.
- A problem when importing a file system archive of older versions has been fixed.
- The error handling when testing the archive connection from the Outlook Add-in has been improved.
- A problem with the occasional inability to use buttons in the Outlook Add-in has been fixed.
- An issue with the direction detection of emails has been fixed.
- An error when querying ActiveDirectory information has been fixed.
- Fixed a problem with the set of rules for email attachments that contained certain unauthorized characters.
- The error handling of conditions in the set of rules that checked for the existence of an address in the blacklist or whitelist has been improved.
- An error that caused incorrect data from the Event Viewer to be displayed in the statistics has been fixed.
- A problem with Exchange Server installation path detection has been fixed.
- An issue that caused not all options selected during the installation to be applied was fixed.
- Rule actions that work only with an Exchange Server are now not displayed on hMail installations.
- The error handling when sending test emails has been optimized.
- Missing information when copying entries from the Event Viewer of the Exchange Server Toolbox has been added.
- The comprehensibility of the labeling used for the "Block sender" function in the Outlook add-in has been optimized.
- General improvements were made to the security of some services.
- The appearance of windows in the Event Viewer has been improved.
Version 6.0.1
- Problems encountered when migrating archives that use an integrated database have been fixed.
- A problem that occurred when importing old file system archives has been resolved.
- An error when using a MySQL archive of an old version was fixed.
- A problem in the archive search has been fixed so that all relevant emails are now displayed when searching for email content.
- Exchange Health Probe message processing errors have been fixed and an option with which it is possible to configure skipping Exchange Health Probe message processing has been added.
- An issue resulting in the archive service not running properly without Active Directory information has been fixed.
- An error that caused the rule conditions associated with "And" were not executed correctly has been fixed.
- Rule actions that attempt to send an email and fail now no longer prevent the rest of the rule from executing if the appropriate option is set in the action for it.
- A problem that caused the email direction detection to not work appropriately on some systems has been fixed.
- An error that could occur when processing emails in a rare format has been fixed.
- A number of issues that could occur with an Edge Server-only installation have been fixed.
- Changes to rules are now saved accurately in any case.
- An error that could occur when loading settings has been fixed.
- A potential error when migrating settings from an old version was fixed.
- The display of statistics for operation on an hMail server now works correctly again.
- The detection of obsolete operating systems in the setup now works smoothly and prevents installation on incompatible systems.
- The configuration options of the recommended Windows firewall rules in the setup have been optimized.
- Various small improvements have been done to the Exchange Server Toolbox configuration interface.
- Warnings and error messages have been revised and made more concisely.
- An error that could occur when training spam in the Outlook add-in for emails in public folders has been fixed.
- Various minor improvements have been done to the interface of the Outlook Add-In.
Version 6.0
Improved email archive - fast, stable and fail-safe
- The archive of the Exchange Server Toolbox is now multi-client capable. A separate archive can be created and managed for each client (domain or list of email addresses).
- Each client archive is searchable in the Exchange Server Toolbox interface.
- Each client has his own user administration to configure the access rights to the archive. The access rights from the Active Directory are used as a starting point to keep the configuration effort low.
- The Exchange Server Toolbox Outlook Add-In for archive search can connect to a client archive.
- The email archive of the Exchange Server Toolbox has been fundamentally revised, Import du Export and the search in the archive has been massively accelerated.
- To prevent the loss of the email during processing, the archiving now stores the email temporarily.
- In case of multiple Exchange Server Toolbox installations, archiving is only performed on one installation.
- In the archive search, a list of searchable email mailboxes can be displayed.
Email processing - Faster, more resilient and less memory consumption
- Significantly improved performance of the Exchange Server Toolbox service, improved stability and reliable failover behavior.
- The memory consumption during email processing has been drastically reduced - by far more than half.
- The processing speed has been significantly increased.
- Spam and virus scans are now only performed once per email and not, as previously, once per rule that uses a corresponding condition.
- The Exchange Server Toolbox now scales very well on systems with high email volumes.
Distributed installation - conveniently manage multiple servers
- It is now possible to automatically transfer the configuration of one installation to another installation. This is useful when multiple Exchange servers are running the transport role and saves having to manually keep multiple configurations at the same level.
- It is also possible to transfer only the Active Directory information for licensing to another installation in order to run an installation in a DMZ.
New graphical user interface - comfortable configuration
- The graphical user interface has been revised and now offers even more configuration comfort and clarity in a new, modern design.
- The UI now uses fewer dialogs and is more clearly structured a uniform design language enables intuitive operation.
- New filter, grouping and sorting functions for the lists of rule conditions and actions, as well as in the event log view, the new user administration, the new license administration and the new client overview make it easier to keep track of things.
- The archive search interface and the Outlook Add-in interface have also been improved and now make searching even more convenient.
Management of licensed mailboxes - simple and transparent
- The email addresses covered by the license are now configurable. Newly added email addresses that exceed the number of addresses covered by the license will work for 30 days before they are deactivated.
- It is now possible to manually specify email addresses to be processed.
- When the number of licensed mailboxes is exceeded, now only one email notification is sent to the configured administrator address.
Other improvements in the archive
- Permissions of public folders are now correctly evaluated by the archive search
- Signed or encrypted emails can now be excluded from the rule processing to prevent them from being damaged. This option is enabled by default.
- It is now possible to configure NTFS compression of the archive folder
- The permissions of shared mailboxes are now correctly evaluated by the archive search
- The archive search now allows the use of wildcards when searching for attachments.
Further improvements in the Outlook Add-In
- The user interface for archive search in the Add-In has been revised.
- The settings dialog of the Outlook Add-In was improved.
- The Outlook Add-In is now always loaded correctly by Outlook. It can no longer be deactivated because of too long startup time.
- Stability problems in the ExchangeServerToolbox Outlook Add-in have been fixed.
- Dialogs opened in the Outlook Add-in no longer disappear behind the Outlook window when it is brought to the forefront again.
- The Outlook Add-in now requires NET Framework 4.7.2.
Further improvements of the configuration interface
- The settings such as column width, grouping and filter for the different list views (Event Viewer, Archive Search, User List, Client List) are now saved when the interface is closed and restored the next time it is started.
- New filterable columns have been added to the Event Viewer.
- The Eventlog view has been revised. Filtering in the columns is now even more comfortable and the expandable detail view improves the overview.
- A problem that caused the user interface to freeze was fixed.
Improvements of the rule system
- New rule category for incoming emails. In addition to the previous categories "Incoming", "Internal" and "Outgoing" there is now a new category " Arriving".
- A new condition has been added to the set of rules to specify to which clients the actions should be applied.
- The new rule condition "Email is signed or encrypted" allows to create rules for encrypted emails.
- The new rule action "Add attachments" allows to add all files from a folder as attachments to an email.
- The new rule condition "Sender is whitelisted" checks if a sender is on the SpamAssassin whitelist.
- The new rule condition "Sender is in Blacklist" checks if a sender is on the SpamAssassin Blacklist.
- The new rule action "Change SCL value" allows to set the SCL value for emails.
- The new option "Convert images" in the "Add text to email content" action now allows to convert images used in HTML with local paths to inline attachments. This allows to use HTML components stored as "Text Template", e.g. to automatically add email signatures with images to an email.
- The new rule condition "Mail contains certain text in Virus Report" allows to react to certain virus detections.
- The new rule "Machine name matches" allows to use certain rules only on certain machines in a distributed installation (master / client installation).
Spam and virus protection
- New version SpamAssassin in a Box V2.5.0.18.
- New SpamAssassin version V3.4.4.
- Wildcards can now be used for the Auto-Whitelist exceptions.
- New version of ClamAV in a Box V1.0.5.14.
- New version of the virus scanner: ClamAV V0.103.0.
- The signature update no longer blocks ClamAV.
- The RAM consumption has increased due to the new way of signature management.
- If necessary the value for "ConcurrentDatabaseReload" in the file "clamd.conf" can be set to "No" to restore the old behaviour with less RAM consumption.
Automatic error notification and failover
- Improved system for automatic error notification: Errors can now be sent regularly to a configurable email address via another mail server.
- The mail server that is used by Exchange Server Toolbox to send emails can now be configured. It is possible to change the server, the port and the authentication data (username, password and security procedure).
- If an email could not be processed correctly, it will be saved to disk. The number of emails saved in this way is limited and can be configured.
- New debugging options allow saving the emails before and after the various processing steps of the Exchange Server Toolbox.
Fixed problems and errors
- Appointment invitations and calendar entries sent externally are no longer damaged.
- New mail parser for processing TNEF emails without conversion to MIME emails.
- Problems with TNEF encoded emails were fixed.
- Problems with Exchange Server 2019 detection were fixed.
- Stability when used with hMailServer is improved.
- Fixed a problem with the direction of emails with IPv6 addresses.
- Exchange Server Toolbox now uses a new license management. Starting with version 6.0 new license keys are valid and replace the previously used license keys. The new keys can be found in the customer area at "Downloads".
- The license check now also works correctly when using multiple domains.
New system requirements
- Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 & 2010 is no longer supported.
- Microsoft Windows Server 2008 is no longer supported.
- Microsoft Small Business Server (SBS) 2011 is no longer supported
- Support for Microsoft Exchange 2003 has been discontinued.
- MySQL v5.5 or higher is required to use MySQL archives.
- Exchange Server Toolbox v6.0 requires Microsoft .NET 4.7.2
- The Outlook add-in requires Microsoft .NET 4.7.2.
Version 5.8.2
- Due to an error in the configuration file, the update of the ClamAV signatures might not work anymore. This has been fixed.
- In some cases the SpamAssassin service blocked after a few hours and no more spam scans could be performed. This has been fixed.
- Stopping the SpamAssassin service could cause a timeout under certain circumstances. This has been fixed.
- SpamAssassin may have run without DNS blacklist testing and Razor2 testing. This has now been fixed.
- SpamAssassin's configuration file contained incorrect preferences which could cause SpamAssassin to crash. This has been corrected.
Version 5.8.1
- Several problems with the new SpamAssassin service have been fixed.
Version 5.8
- Improved SpamAssassin in a Box service.
- Updated virus scanner: ClamAV v0.102.1.
- A new rule action now allows to compress and merge email attachments.
- New rule-set conditions now check for selected weekdays, time or date spans. This makes it possible to trigger actions only on certain days, at certain times or in a configurable date interval.
- Fixed a problem where an MSSQL database on a Windows Server 2019 could not be configured as an archive.
- Fixed a problem where custom SpamAssassin rules could be overwritten by default rules.
- The action "Forward copy to SMTP server" now allows to specify a user-defined sender address.
Compatibility changes:
- Windows Server 2008 is no longer supported. Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit) is still supported.
Version 5.7.3
- An issue that prevented train spam from working correctly in the Exchange Server Toolbox Outlook Add-In has been fixed.
- An issue where archive import failed from an old database due to alleged invalid credentials has been resolved.
- An issue where the Exchange Server Toolbox service caused too much CPU load has been fixed.
Version 5.7.2
- Updated virus scanner: ClamAV V0.101.2.
- An error that prevented the correct subsequent archiving of mails has been fixed.
- An issue which caused a crash of the SpamAssassin service has been fixed.
Version 5.7.1
- Updated virus scanner: ClamAv V0.101.1.
- The library for communicating with Outlook has been updated (Redemption.dll).
- It is now also possible to check emails whose text portion is larger than 3MB for viruses.
- A new option in the action "Save Attachments" now also allows to save "Inline Attachments".
- There may be an error saving the settings. This has been fixed.
Version 5.7
- New version of ClamAV V101
- Several security holes have been closed.
- New version of SpamAssassin V3.4.2.
- SHA-256 and SHA-512 hashing are now used to verify the sa-updates.
- Defective HTML emails no longer cause the service to crash.
- Several new plugins, including Mail :: SpamAssassin :: Plugin :: HashBL and Mail :: SpamAssassin :: Plugin :: Phishing.
- Further security holes have been closed.
- Retention Policy automatic deletion operations are now logged in Event Viewer.
- The archive options now show the date of the oldest email in the archive.
- An error when importing old archives has been fixed.
- Errors in the ExchangeServerToolbox Outlook AddIn have been fixed.
Version 5.6
Clear statistics
- A new statistical view provides a fast overview about email load and the current amount of spam and viruses.
Improved rules overview
- A new column for rule comments facilitates the overview of a large number of rules.
More flexible rule system
- The new condition "Variable contains..." allows checking for the value of a given variable.
- The content of a file can be checked by using the new condition "File contains...".
- The email header is now available as a variable for rules.
Updated ClamAV version
- More security with the latest version 0.100.1 of the reliable ClamAV anti-virus.
Bug fixes
- Empty ZIP-Attachments will not cause an error during email processing anymore.
- An error while copying multiple entries from the event log has been fixed.
Compatibility changes:
- Windows Server 2003 and Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 are no longer supported.
Version 5.5.9
- Due to changes in email processing in Exchange 2016 CU3 e-mails that contain Umlauts and special characters were not archived correctly. This has been fixed except for e-mails that are all of incoming, external, and TNEF encoded.
- Changes in Exchange CU3 also caused outgoing and internal e-mails to be processed by ExchangeServerToolbox in TNEF format, which is not possible without problems. Therefore ExchangeServerToolbox now uses the MIME e-mail converted by Exchange when available – which is not the case for outgoing TNEF messages enabled for custom domains.
Version 5.5.8
- Fixed issue in "SpamAssasin Daemon Controller" service: an error while loading the configuration file caused the service to fail.
- Delivery Status Notifications were not sent. This has been fixed.
- The Exchange Transport service was started too early during setup. This caused e-mails not to be processed and not to be archived during setup of a new version. This has been fixed.
- Setup now creates firewall rules for ClamAv SaneSecurity updates (outgoing port 873).
- Setup now creates firewall rules for ExchangeServerToolbox Outlook AddIn connection to SpamAssassin Service (port 8072).
Version 5.5.7
- Settings to return TNEF encoded, encrypted or signed mails unmodified to the mail server were added. This prevents a possible corruption of those mails through modifications caused by the Exchange Server Toolbox
- Added support for the Windows Store version of Outlook 2016 for the Exchange Server Toolbox Outlook Add-in. This solves an issue while using the Add-in.
Version 5.5.6
- Updated ClamAV version to 0.99.4: This fixes several security issues in ClamAV.
Version 5.5.5
- Increased stability of email processing. While processing a large amount of emails in a short time, the email processing failed in some cases and a server restart was necessary to recover. This has been fixed.
- A problem regarding the automated license check that caused the sending of misleading email notifications about insufficient licenses has been fixed.
- TNEF-encoded emails that were archived with versions older than V5.5.4 are readable again in Archive-Search.
- Internally send and TNEF-encoded messages on MS Exchange 2016 (such as appointments) are no longer corrupted by email processing.
- An error in "Retention Policy" functionality has been fixed that prevented deleting of old messages from archive and caused a huge memory consumption.
- Under rare conditions the SaneSecurity signature updates failed. This has been fixed.
- The use of "Train Spam" / "Train Ham" functionality in Outlook AddIn caused Outlook to crash in some cases. This has been fixed.
Version 5.5.4
- A problem with Windows Update KB4019472, which resulted in the configuration interface no longer launching, has been fixed.
- Processing and converting TNEF mails now works as intended for Exchange 2016 CU4 or higher.
- The rules engine now works as expected when processing emails containing corrupted zip-file attachments.
- The "SMTPRecipients" variable is now correctly resolved for hMail server installations.
- A rare problem (rules which send emails via SMTP could cause performance issues) has been fixed.
Version 5.5.3
- A SaneSecurity signature update caused the ClamAV service to crash. The signature files that caused this problem have been removed.
- A problem regarding the retention policy has been fixed. Old emails are deleted from the archive if the option is enabled.
- Emails containing a malformed charset definition (cp-850) were not scanned by anti-virus. This has been fixed.
- An error in "Delete Attachments"-action has been solved: Several actions of this kind will not override the results of each other.
- The placeholder "SMTP From" is resolved correctly now.
Version 5.5.2
- Several problems in the SpamAssassin Service that caused the spam detection to fail have been fixed.
- Downgrade to ClamAV engine v98.7.0, due to possible errors during signature updates regarding in the latest version.
- The ClamAV virus signatures are only updated when antivirus is enabled. Several problems regarding SaneSecurity signature updates have been fixed.
- In case of an insufficient license it was not possible to save settings. This is no longer the case.
- An error in bounce mail detection has been fixed. Particular emails were falsely detected, in some other cases bounce mail detection failed.
- Empty emails caused the mail processing to crash on hMailServer installations. This has been fixed.
- Spam emails are now rejected on hMailServer installations.
- An encoding problem regarding particular emails on hMailServer installations has been fixed.
- Problems occurring when sending Auto-Reply messages via SMTP (Action) has been solved.
- Using "Add to Auto-Whitelist" / "Remove from Auto-Whitelist" in the log view now works as expected.
- Users can no longer set NTFS Read restrictions for entire drives.
- Several Errors in MS Outlook Add-In have been fixed: What's new?
Version 5.5.1
- Fixed several issues that potentially caused the ExchangeServerToolbox service to crash.
- Fixed issue when running in a DMZ or when the Active Directory was not accessible.
- Fixed issue that occurred when processing mail archive retention policy.
- Fixed problems during ClamAV signature updates.
Version 5.5
- The Exchange Server Toolbox can now integrate into hMailServer
- The Exchange Server Toolbox is now able to integrate into the open source mail server "hMailServer" as well as the Microsoft Exchange Server.
- The Exchange Server Toolbox service now runs as 64 bit process on x64 systems
- This leads to higher performance, more stability in mail processing especially when processing large messages and solves temporary out of memory issues.
- The new version of SpamAssassin (V3.4.1) has been incorporated
- This new version also runs as a 64 bit version on x64 systems. Additionally the new version includes some new anti spam modules.
- The new version of ClamAV (V0.99.2) has been incorporated
- Added: Support for Sanesecurity signatures for ClamAV
- When using the new anti virus option these signatures are included an the ClamAV detection rate is significantly improved.
- The mailbox count calculation for the license has been revised
- Mailboxes like e.g. room and device mailboxes are no longer counted.
- Added: A context menu for restoring/re-adding default rules
- User this menu to restore e.g. the default security rules.
- Added: An action for printing e-mail (Exchange Server 2007 or newer)
- This new action can be used to print e-mail messages automatically.
- Added: A condition for detecting non-delivery-reports (NDR)
- This condition enables you to set a separate behavior for processing NDR messages.
- Added: Import of messages from PST files into the archive
- PST files can now be selected as source when importing messages into the archive.
- Announcement for V6.0: Windows Server 2003 (and XP) and Exchange Server 2003 support will be dropped
- The next version will no longer install on old systems.
- Announcement for V6.0: MySQL support will be dropped
- The next version will no longer support MySQL for the email archive.
- The Outlook Add-in has been improved: What's new?
- Several minor changes and improvements have been incorporated.
Version 5.4
- Added: The email archive has been GoBD certified
- The audit was successfully conducted by the REVIDATA GmbH , Düsseldorf and reviewed and certified by Quadrilog GmbH, Düsseldorf.
- Added: A "Test connection" button has beend added for the "auto-reply" and "send new mail" actions
- Click a button to test the settings of these two actions instead of sending out test emails
- Added: Time span options for importing messages from old archive databases.
- Define which emails (received date) shall be imported from old archives - e.g. to exclude emails if their retention period has expired
- BugFix: The save message to file action caused an exception in some cases.
- When using the message subject in the file name invalid characters of the subject could cause an error.
- The Outlook Add-in has been improved: What's new?
- Several minor changes and improvements have been incorporated.
Version 5.3
- Added: The Exchange Server Toolbox has been successfully certified as GoBD - compliant e-mail archiving solution by IDW PS880.
- Added: Retention policy.
- This option enables users to define a time period after which messages will be deleted from the archive automatically.
- Added: The archive search has been completely reworked.
- The new search result view allows to filter and search results.
- Added: Improved speed of archive search
- The new search mechanism is faster and no longer has a limitation for the time span to search within.
- Added: Support for installations on Exchange Servers running in an DMZ.
- Added: Support for Exchange Server 2016 (Preview).
- Added: Support for SearchBlox.
- The Exchange Server Toolbox is able to feed the SearchBlox (https://www.searchblox.com/) indexer with all message archived.
- Added: New control for listing rules.
- The list of rules can now be filtered and searched.
- Added: Data import from old archive databases.
- This enables migrating from one database to another.
- The latest version of ClamAV (V0.98.7) has been incorporated.
- BugFix: Improved the performance for installations with many users in the Active Directory.
- BugFix: An error in the action for adding text to the message body has been fixed.
- BugFix: The action "Has attachments" is now able to process long attachment file names correctly.
- BugFix: The editor for custom SpamAssassin rules now saves the rule file in ASCII/utf-8 format correctly.
- The Outlook Addin has been improved: What's new?
- Several minor changes and improvements have been incorporated.
Version 5.2.1
- The automatic service restart is now completely disabled.
- BugFix: In some cases the Outlook addin was not able to connect to the SpamAssassin service if archiving was not enabled.
- BugFix: The archive search on the server could not load the messages if the NTFS folder protection option was active.
- BugFix: German Umlauts may not have been displayed correctly in the archive search mail preview.
- BugFix: Resolved a ClamAV signature update problem occurring on some systems.
- Several minor changes and improvements have been incorporated.
Version 5.2
- In accordance to the new German GoBD rules the option to protect file system-based archiving folders is now set per default.
- The option enables protecting the archive folder by removing all unnecessary NTFS permissions.
- ClamAV is now used as a windows service.
- ClamAV is now installed as a Windows service and is contacted by the Exchange Server Toolbox as a client. This improves the performance, memory usage and stability.
- Added: New default rules covering common security issues.
- New default rules blocking typical critical mail attachments have been shipped and may simply be enabled by the user.
- Added: An editor for a custom SpamAssassin rule file.
- This editor can be used for creating custom SpamAssassin rules and rule files.
- Added: The message ID can now be used as template in rule actions.
- Added: Save attachment and delete attachment rule actions can now select their attachments based on a regular expression.
- Message processing performance has been improved
- The performance of message processing has been improved, especially when the archiving module is used.
- GUI start-up performance has been improved
- The Exchange Server Toolbox configuration application now starts up nearly twice as fast as before.
- Performance improvements within large domains
- The performance of the service and the configuration application when used in large domains has been improved.
- Memory leak fixed
- A workaround for a memory leak mainly caused by ClamAV has been implemented.
- Importing and exporting EML messages to and from the archive has been improved.
- Email metadata is now exported automatically.
- The performance of message processing while the archive option is active has been improved.
- Mail gateways and proxies are now automatically detected and added to the appropriate list in the advanced options.
- The Outlook Addin has been improved: What's new?
- Several minor changes and improvements have been incorporated.
Version 5.1.1
- Spam scanner improvements
- The integrated spam scanner now also scans mails that were previously skipped because of large attachments.
- Improved reliability for backups on the file system.
- The Exchange Server Toolbox now also stores mails that were received while the file system they were supposed to be saved to was unavailable. In this case emails are getting temporary stored and will besaved to the target file system once it is available again.
- Generation of a log file during the installation.
- A log file will now be generated during the installation of the Exchange Server Toolbox inside the installation folder which logs whether all necessary components were installed (e.g. Windows Service or Exchange Agents).
- BugFix: Fixed an error occurring when importing EML files from a folder with a name containing whitespaces.
- Several minor changes and improvements have been incorporated.
Version 5.1
- New SpamAssassin included
- A new SpamAssassin version is included.
- This version uses less CPU. Bayes filter usage has been improved leading to better results when training spam or no-spam messages using the Outlook Addin.
- Please note: Customer using SmartPOP2Exchange as well must not install Exchange Server Toolbox V5.1 containing the new version of SpamAssassin over SmartPOP2Exchange versions 8.1 and older.
- SmartPOP2Exchange will support the new SpamAssassin in the upcoming v8.2.
- Revised event log view.
- Supports data sorting, grouping and filtering options as well as automatic refresh, and export to xml.
- Large numbers of entries are now displayed much faster and can be grouped by multiple columns via drag & drop support.
- Added: Exporting mechanism for multiple messages.
- This new feature facilitates bulk export of multiple messages as EML files and XML metadata from the archive to a folder. The output can be filtered by date range, sender and / or recipient.
- Added: Body Indexing for mail archive is now optional.
- To increase archiving performance and reduce database size, full text body indexing is now an optional setting.
- Actions for executing files now allow passing additional parameters.
- Additional parameters as well as values resolved by templates can now be passed to executable files called by rule actions.
- Added: Action extracting attachments
- This new Action in the Rules Engine facilitates on-the-fly extraction of zip attachments and attaches the files back to the original mail.
- Added: Condition checking attachment names
- This new Condition in the Rules Engine checks if any attachment filename, if present, matches a given text or template.
- Actions for executing files now facilitate passing additional parameters.
- You can now pass additional parameters to executable files called by rule actions, in addition to values resolved by templates.
- Next version (v5.2): Dropping support for Exchange Server 2003
- Version 5.2 of the Exchange Server Toolbox will no longer be tested for Exchange Server 2003.
- Several minor changes and improvements have been incorporated.
Version 5.0.1
- Full support for Exchange Server 2013 with SP1
- This version supports the Exchange Server 2013 Service Pack 1. Please note: To run the Exchange Server Toolbox on an Exchange Server 2013 with SP1 you will to install the following patch from Microsoft: https://support.microsoft.com/kb/2938053
- BugFix: Training spam and no-spam message inside the anti-spam options of the Exchange Server Toolbox allows multi-selection again.
- With V5.0 the dialog did no longer allow selecting multiple files.
- BugFix: An error occurring on some systems when starting the import of EML files into the archive has been fixed.
- A "file not found" error occurred in some cases, preventing the importer process to start.
- BugFix: Outlook Add-in: An error message occurring when the reading pane is invisible and the user trains messages does no longer appear.
- This error occurred on some systems Outlook 2013 systems.
- BugFix: Outlook Add-in: When the Add-in was deployed via GPO it may prevent the client machine from shutting down. This is no longer the case.
- The Add-in setup did not handle a GPO/quiet installation properly.
- Several minor changes and improvements have been incorporated.
Version 5.0
- The latest version of SpamAssassin (V3.4) has been incorporated
- The integrated antivirus software ClamAV has been updated to the latest version (V0.98)
- Added: Import of existing messages into the email archive.
- You can now import emails from your Exchange Server or from EML files into the Exchange Server Toolbox archive.
- Added: Custom templates for the rules engine.
- You can now specify custom templates which can be re-used in your rules.
- Added: Condition checking the sending server's IP address.
- Added: Condition checking the message size.
- Added: Action for executing VB and PowerShell scripts.
- With this action you can directly select VB or PowerShell scripts without the need to create batch custom batch files calling your scripts.
- Added: Action for skipping rules.
- This action enables you to skip a freely selectable number of subsequent rules.
- Added: Action for sending a new email.
- With this action you can e.g. generate notification emails.
- The user interface has been partially redesigned.
- Several minor changes and improvements have been incorporated.