TreeSize under the microscope
A Software Engineer’s Review of TreeSize in his daily work.

Our disk space management solution TreeSize is used and loved all around the world. While its free edition TreeSize Free is great for getting to know its core functionality, our TreeSize Professional edition comes with a great variety of different features to improve workflows.
That’s the theory, so what about TreeSize user’s practical experiences? We asked Sebastian Hernadi, a software engineer at Fidelity Investments who is using TreeSize Professional for more than half a year now. As a software developer for RPA, short for robotic process automation, Sebastian creates automation solutions that emulate human actions interacting with digital systems and software. Doing so, he helps developing a software technology that performs front and back office processes in an automated manner.
Sebastian tested TreeSize Professional on his computer for work as well as for private use. Now Eva from our JAM Editorial Team is looking forward to hearing his feedback after putting TreeSize Professional under the microscope.
Eva: Hi Sebastian, thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. We are excited for your experiences with TreeSize Professional. What are you using TreeSize for and in which use cases can you imagine using it in your daily work?
Sebastian: Hi Eva! I have mainly used TreeSize to figure out what to delete from my computer when I was running out of space. I also use the tool to find files, especially useful when the files are hidden, it is much easier and faster to use TreeSize than basic Windows File Explorer search.
Eva: Do you already have a favorite feature?
Sebastian: I fancy the TreeSize’s Top 100 Files option. I like to look for singular big files to delete instead of a bunch of small ones first. So, this option helps me a lot. I also like the history view, it helps me identify patterns on my disk usage.
Sebastian: Another small feature I like, small but I like a lot, is the option for dark theme! I found it by accident. During the initial setup it could be a question of which theme to use.
Eva: Are there any other more specific business use cases where you can imagine that TreeSize is useful? What features could you imagine for these that we might not offer yet?
Sebastian: It would be interesting to see an integration with a cloud service such as OneDrive or Dropbox, where, if I want to send files or folders to one of them, I could just right click on files I find looking through TreeSize and have the option to directly move large folders or files to the cloud service to free some space on my local drives.

By the way: TreeSize already supports OneDrive as well as Dropbox as a scan target. Just mount the desired cloud service to the Windows File Explorer and choose its path in the context menu. Doing so, you can manage your cloud files with ease.
Eva: As a software developer, the TreeSize export options might be interesting. When you first opened the software, did you notice the export options? Do you think the program is intuitive?
Sebastian: I did notice the export option, and all the other ones, too. I like the big icons, so it's hard to miss them. Using the application is very intuitive. I did not have to question what any of the different views did or the way the folders are arranged in size order. I like the HTML export due to the user interface, and it gives me the possibility to expand on the directory tree as I would in TreeSize. Plus, it also contains the graph. Still, I have to say the export option as HTML is very slow to load on the browser.
Eva: Thanks for the feedback, Sebastian! I will record that on our Feature Voting Platform so other users can upvote this idea to improve the HTML export even further.

Good to know: HTML exports can get bigger than expected when exporting all information TreeSize has to offer. To open the HTML in your browser faster, exclude columns, diagrams or alternative statistics from your export that aren’t necessary for your analysis. Hence, your browser can open the export way faster. Besides, on our Feature Voting Platform users can contribute new ideas for functionalities and vote for features. Check it out!
Eva: Furthermore, you also speak Spanish fluidly. Did you notice that you can change the language to Spanish? Thanks to our community-based translation process, we provide more than ten different languages for TreeSize. Do you think the translation is well done and understandable?
Sebastian: I did notice that and tried it. At a quick glance, it looked correct to me. One thing I would change is the "refresh scan" option in the home menu. The translation right now is "Refrescar analisis". I think it would make more sense to say "Actualizar analisis".
Eva: Thank you for pointing this out. I will pass your suggestion on to our volunteering translators! After testing the software, what do you think of JAM Software? Did you get the impression that our solutions are developed professionally?
Sebastian: I am very impressed with JAM Software products, I think the performance speaks for itself, it is quick and elegant.
Eva: Thank you for sharing an honest and fresh insight into our company and our disk space management software.
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