What is New in SpaceObServer?

What new features are planned for the near future?

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Version 8.1.1


  • Under certain circumstances (when users or AD groups occurred multiple times in the permissions of folders or files) it could happen that individual permissions were missing in the details columns “Permissions”, “Own Permissions”, or “Inherited Permissions”. This issue has been resolved.

  • The folder sizes displayed in the directory tree when using the "Show Previous Scan Sizes" function ("Tools" menu) may not have been calculated correctly. This problem no longer occurs.

  • When selecting the new "Permission changes" tab, there were also short delays for scan targets that do not save permissions in the database (scan option "Calculate Permissions (ACLs) and store in database"). This issue has been resolved.

  • In rare cases, an unexpected error could occur when viewing scan settings for certain scan targets in the “Configure Scans” dialog. This problem no longer occurs.

  • Under certain circumstances, an unexpected error could occur when closing the "File Search" dialog. This issue has been resolved.
